Yes I believe in the KISS principle and yes I believe that people should not put them selves in a position where they rely on electric/electronic gadgets and gizmos. But I still have radar, am going to get a
wind generator, have electronic
charts on laptops w/nav
software, refrigeration (mainly because of being a
live aboard at a marina in the states)and lots of
batteries.....and paper charts, a
sextant I know how to use. Everything that can be done manually on my
boat is and in some cases the electric/electronic is also present. I do know peopel that travel extremely bare bones...boarder line survivalist.....and people that have ever gadget and gizmo they can think of, enough to get there
boat as close to a land house as possible and make up for any short comings.
I do what is comfortable for me and suggest everyone find there comfort spot.....the path I follow is one I have picked up from alot of old
school cruisers, that plus avoiding all the fancy gizmos it what makes cruising possible for us "po' folk"