Originally Posted by foggysail
It is goverment that imposes discharge bans. It is government that refuses to allow discharge from marine waste water systems. It is government that fails to provide adequate pump out facilities. Yes, government is the problem.
And I repeat "My reference to local waste discharge was to emphasize the dichotomy between what government imposes on its citizenry compared to government doing what it damned well feels like doing."
It is the government which caused our rivers to change from open sewers to clean
water, changed rivers that run blue, red, etc depending on what color dye was being used that day to clean, it was the government which stopped the
Ohio, the
Houston Ship Channel and Cuyahoga (sp?) to stop catching fire. That's the problem all right.
If we don't like the fact that our cities still use combined sewer overflows, just vote in the next guy who promises to raise your
taxes to pay for the enhancements required; otherwise, you are part of the problem. Blaming the government is misplaced and we ought to be a lot more introspective.
Government does what Congress legislates them to do and who is it that selects who Congress is comprised of in your country?