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Old 22-09-2013, 13:33   #706
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by GothVanhellsing View Post
I have not been hogging anything.
What do you call staying in the anchorage for months at a time? You can be legally right but ethically and morally wrong. A little consideration of others is needed in a community.

The community was considerate in allowing people to anchor for extended periods. Now that it is abused the community is trying to change.

It seems that you just cannot see the other side of the argument. For that I feel sorry for you.
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Old 22-09-2013, 13:52   #707
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by ohdrinkboy View Post
What do you call staying in the anchorage for months at a time? You can be legally right but ethically and morally wrong. A little consideration of others is needed in a community.

The community was considerate in allowing people to anchor for extended periods. Now that it is abused the community is trying to change.

It seems that you just cannot see the other side of the argument. For that I feel sorry for you.
I have been in the harbor less then a year. I in my 3 years being here in Oriental have seen more then one boat stay longer, before any of the boats out there now anchored. You might deny it but really this fight is about discrimination that is mostly aimed at the french boat. Here is what opened my eyes one night when sitting down with a lawyer friend talking about all this. In all the letters you have seen against the rights of the anchored boats be it here or at the blog that started this change any reference to the 'boats' to 'African American' and then you can see some striking parallels in this argument, and the arguments for segregation. Keep in mind for most of the pitch forks and torches campaign I have remained mostly silent, and then saw this for what it really is. Like I have said many times is that for 4 months I have watched that blog post letters that violate their own terms of service and not a single one of them thought of politely asking me if I would mind moving. This is a small town and some of those people see me every day. Not one tried being polite. But you know I didn't and still don't care because most of that minority of disgruntled people are unhappy all the time anyways.
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:02   #708
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by GothVanhellsing View Post
Also your very right about the geriatric New England invasion here. Many of them seem to be waging a war against fun, and wondering why the town is dying. If they believe that tiny harbor was the source of all their visitors they are sadly mistaken. People used to come here because it was a fun town, and most of them DROVE here. Now the latest battle in the war on fun seems to be the long running push to close the only place open past 10:00 the steamers. Ya great plan you have one bar open past 10:00 and the only one with pool tables, and other games so lets harass him till he shuts his doors.
I ask you again to stop making up ******** statistics about Oriental tourism without facts to back it up. Especially since you have not been there very long. I would also refrain from tacking a "damn yankee" tag onto people that oppose your views. There are a lot of us that grew up here that frequent Oriental and most of the people I talk to there are as frustrated that you, and the bums around you, have draw so much unwanted and negative attention to their tow,
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:09   #709
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by GothVanhellsing View Post
I have been in the harbor less then a year. I in my 3 years being here in Oriental have seen more then one boat stay longer, before any of the boats out there now anchored. You might deny it but really this fight is about discrimination that is mostly aimed at the french boat. Here is what opened my eyes one night when sitting down with a lawyer friend talking about all this. In all the letters you have seen against the rights of the anchored boats be it here or at the blog that started this change any reference to the 'boats' to 'African American' and then you can see some striking parallels in this argument, and the arguments for segregation. Keep in mind for most of the pitch forks and torches campaign I have remained mostly silent, and then saw this for what it really is. Like I have said many times is that for 4 months I have watched that blog post letters that violate their own terms of service and not a single one of them thought of politely asking me if I would mind moving. This is a small town and some of those people see me every day. Not one tried being polite. But you know I didn't and still don't care because most of that minority of disgruntled people are unhappy all the time anyways.
Discrimination against the French is not my fight.....I'm fighting to maybe be able to anchor there some day without having to raft up to the harbor hogs....

And even bringing up the "discrimination" crap just makes me want to sharpen my pitchfork that I hadn't even picked up till now.

I have friends that just moved to the area that I really enjoyed staying with on my last trip though...have dreamed that a relocation might be in the cards...if so I'm the wrong person to piss of with outrageous statements concerning discrimination. Those are the words of desperate men when they are so misapplied.
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:13   #710
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by Tom.B View Post
I ask you again to stop making up ******** statistics about Oriental tourism without facts to back it up. Especially since you have not been there very long. I would also refrain from tacking a "damn yankee" tag onto people that oppose your views. There are a lot of us that grew up here that frequent Oriental and most of the people I talk to there are as frustrated that you, and the bums around you, have draw so much unwanted and negative attention to their tow,
Some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. To bad my my two best friends own in tourist supported businesses in this town. As far as drawing anything I don't have any publishing rights to the website that started all this, and well the guy who started it all guess what, he moved here from up north too.
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:15   #711
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Originally Posted by sailorchic34 View Post
Boats do drag anchor. I see it all the time when the wind blows. But normally the boats dragging are the weekenders or newer boaters. Most full time anchorouts and full time cruisers have pretty impressive ground tackle.
Right as rain about the FT Cruisers.

Anchor-outs? My experience is they have every crappy thing on the bottom they can find. Here in Beaufort, many end up on the beach whenever the wind blows. I can give you the number of a guy who will build you a "permanent" mooring for a fee. He uses old tires, scrap chain, cast off line, milk crates, you know. Like a Bahamian moor, you'll spin around the same spot as long as it doesn't really pipe up.

Meanwhile legitimate cruisers come in and can't find a spot. You be on the wrong side of this gal.

And you know I love you. I'm joking about shooting all the bums. I'd let the women live another day or two.
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:20   #712
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by psneeld View Post
Discrimination against the French is not my fight.....I'm fighting to maybe be able to anchor there some day without having to raft up to the harbor hogs....

And even bringing up the "discrimination" crap just makes me want to sharpen my pitchfork that I hadn't even picked up till now.

I have friends that just moved to the area that I really enjoyed staying with on my last trip though...have dreamed that a relocation might be in the cards...if so I'm the wrong person to piss of with outrageous statements concerning discrimination. Those are the words of desperate men when they are so misapplied.
Misapplied, feel free to show me how. I have one boat in one spot not really hogging anything more then any other boat would. When the Only reason I am moving is by choice I fail to see how anything I feel or say is desperate. I am not going to but could at any moment change my mind and just stay there. There are times that it's tempting trust me on that, but my word means more to me that.
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:25   #713
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by GothVanhellsing View Post
I have been in the harbor less then a year. I in my 3 years being here in Oriental have seen more then one boat stay longer, before any of the boats out there now anchored. You might deny it but really this fight is about discrimination that is mostly aimed at the french boat. Here is what opened my eyes one night when sitting down with a lawyer friend talking about all this. In all the letters you have seen against the rights of the anchored boats be it here or at the blog that started this change any reference to the 'boats' to 'African American' and then you can see some striking parallels in this argument, and the arguments for segregation. Keep in mind for most of the pitch forks and torches campaign I have remained mostly silent, and then saw this for what it really is. Like I have said many times is that for 4 months I have watched that blog post letters that violate their own terms of service and not a single one of them thought of politely asking me if I would mind moving. This is a small town and some of those people see me every day. Not one tried being polite. But you know I didn't and still don't care because most of that minority of disgruntled people are unhappy all the time anyways.
To try and compare the fight against segregation, a human rights issue, with the privilege to anchor (sorry, but it's just not a "right") is just plain insulting to African Americans.

No matter how you try to justify it you are still hogging a public space that most consider at a minimum rude. But you fail to see this and then are shocked at not being treated politely. Have you considered moving on to a town more to your liking? If not, why? What keeps you subjecting yourself to the abuses on the town?
Mundis Ex Igne Factus Est
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:27   #714
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by Blue Crab View Post
Right as rain about the FT Cruisers.

Anchor-outs? My experience is they have every crappy thing on the bottom they can find. Here in Beaufort, many end up on the beach whenever the wind blows. I can give you the number of a guy who will build you a "permanent" mooring for a fee. He uses old tires, scrap chain, cast off line, milk crates, you know. Like a Bahamian moor, you'll spin around the same spot as long as it doesn't really pipe up.

Meanwhile legitimate cruisers come in and can't find a spot. You be on the wrong side of this gal.

And you know I love you. I'm joking about shooting all the bums. I'd let the women live another day or two.
I hear you on the weekenders i have had more then one foul my lines. My boat has been through a few good blows and it's always where I left it when I come back, or like when sandy brushed us always where I put it when I wake up in the morning.
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:32   #715
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by Doodles View Post
To try and compare the fight against segregation, a human rights issue, with the privilege to anchor (sorry, but it's just not a "right") is just plain insulting to African Americans.

No matter how you try to justify it you are still hogging a public space that most consider at a minimum rude. But you fail to see this and then are shocked at not being treated politely. Have you considered moving on to a town more to your liking? If not, why? What keeps you subjecting yourself to the abuses on the town?
Admiralty law says differently. Soon as the states impede navigation more and more I am sure it will go before the Supreme court. The question is will they confirm it, or will they do what the did on the issue of 'forcing people who disagree into free speech zones to protest' and gut it for private financial interests.
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:41   #716
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by GothVanhellsing View Post
Misapplied, feel free to show me how. I have one boat in one spot not really hogging anything more then any other boat would. When the Only reason I am moving is by choice I fail to see how anything I feel or say is desperate. I am not going to but could at any moment change my mind and just stay there. There are times that it's tempting trust me on that, but my word means more to me that.
Just you invoking the word discrimination is desperate as the very next post by another rational poster described.

Hey don't move...I really don't care for now....

In fact I'm still trying to figure out whether you have or have not moved. Because if you are ain't pullin' anchor.

I'll be through sometime before Christmas...we'll see what reality is...not just typing by all parties involved....I'm dying to see this played out as another good example how a few may have ruined it for most of us cruisers...just like Florida.

For those that are still there in Dec from now....well...good luck!!!!
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:50   #717
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GVH - if you are a contributing member of town, then right on. Ok. As you said before you were on Greens Creek. A good area. It might be a positive gesture if you would swing around to there.

Do you know about the dispositions of Primadonna, Southern Cross, or the more recent Blue boat?

Honestly the snow bird season brings a good bit of traffic and commerce to the town on all days. I'm sure local businesses - your very friends you mention - would appreciate your making some more room for visiting revenue.

Word travels fast as many cruisers read these blogs and local information. You could be the leader of the movement.
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:55   #718
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by GothVanhellsing View Post
Some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. To bad my my two best friends own in tourist supported businesses in this town. As far as drawing anything I don't have any publishing rights to the website that started all this, and well the guy who started it all guess what, he moved here from up north too.
That is still just hearsay and you continue to stand by your own ******** assertions. Perhaps their business is down because of increased competition or they just started sucking at it. There are more places to shop and eat that have popped up in only the past four years since I have started visiting exclusively by boat. You keep trying to blame the town or the town's unofficial website for your losing argument. It's quite sad.

You know, Beaufort is nice this time of year. You should go check that place out for a while. You know, since you're a cruiser and all. I will guarantee you won't be bothered there, that is, if you can find a place to anchor. Maybe you could find a job there?
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Old 22-09-2013, 14:58   #719
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Re: Our shrinking rights and the fight in Oriental NC

Originally Posted by GothVanhellsing View Post
Admiralty law says differently. Soon as the states impede navigation more and more I am sure it will go before the Supreme court. The question is will they confirm it, or will they do what the did on the issue of 'forcing people who disagree into free speech zones to protest' and gut it for private financial interests.
You are either trying to deflect my comments or you fail to see the difference between human rights and privileges under certain laws, and I have a feeling it's the former.
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Old 22-09-2013, 15:09   #720
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