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Old 19-03-2009, 17:50   #31
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Amazaing that the cop boats have those big michine guns on them - I have not seen them on RIBS anywhere 50 cal ?
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Old 19-03-2009, 19:39   #32
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Can't find any photos, Ram, but it's a big, black RIB that's around Peanut Island most every weekend. Here's the press release:

Friday, December 17, 2004

Racheting up its firepower, the sheriff's office is getting a 30-foot boat with mounted machine guns for homeland-security patrols at the Port of Palm Beach and offshore.

Mounted machine guns are a first for the sheriff's office, although sub-machine guns are assigned to some deputies in specialized units.

The $163,735 cost of the boat and equipment is being paid for by a grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, which is helping to finance security increases at several Florida ports.

"It's basically a need to be prepared," said Maj. Dan Smith, commander of special operations for Sheriff Ed Bieluch. "Who knows what we can get hit with."

Smith said his agency selected a Zodiac inflatable boat with a metal hull for easy maneuvering and boarding for divers. The boat comes fully equipped, including two outboard engines.

The state is also adding a new boat of its own at the Port of Palm Beach as well as two boats each at Port Everglades and the Port of Miami, said Maj. Brett Norton of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. The FWC is the state's principal marine enforcement agency.

Norton said machine guns are necessary when stopping suspicious ships entering Florida waters.

"You want to be adequately armed when you are alongside a ship so you can take whatever action is necessary to gain control," Norton said.

The sheriff's boat is expected to be delivered in February or March. The county commission next week is scheduled to vote on an agreement with the FWC outlining the Zodiac's use.

The boat will protect the port, cargo and passenger ships and patrol the coastline, according to the agreement. It also will carry divers and bomb experts if underwater inspections of ships are needed.

In a letter to commissioners, Sheriff-elect Ric Bradshaw said he supports the grant.
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Old 19-03-2009, 19:47   #33
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Originally Posted by starfish62 View Post
Can't find any photos, Ram, but it's a big, black RIB that's around Peanut Island most every weekend. Here's the press release:

Friday, December 17, 2004

Racheting up its firepower, the sheriff's office is getting a 30-foot boat with mounted machine guns for homeland-security patrols at the Port of Palm Beach and offshore.

Mounted machine guns are a first for the sheriff's office, although sub-machine guns are assigned to some deputies in specialized units.

The $163,735 cost of the boat and equipment is being paid for by a grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, which is helping to finance security increases at several Florida ports.

"It's basically a need to be prepared," said Maj. Dan Smith, commander of special operations for Sheriff Ed Bieluch. "Who knows what we can get hit with."

Smith said his agency selected a Zodiac inflatable boat with a metal hull for easy maneuvering and boarding for divers. The boat comes fully equipped, including two outboard engines.

The state is also adding a new boat of its own at the Port of Palm Beach as well as two boats each at Port Everglades and the Port of Miami, said Maj. Brett Norton of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. The FWC is the state's principal marine enforcement agency.

Norton said machine guns are necessary when stopping suspicious ships entering Florida waters.

"You want to be adequately armed when you are alongside a ship so you can take whatever action is necessary to gain control," Norton said.

The sheriff's boat is expected to be delivered in February or March. The county commission next week is scheduled to vote on an agreement with the FWC outlining the Zodiac's use.

The boat will protect the port, cargo and passenger ships and patrol the coastline, according to the agreement. It also will carry divers and bomb experts if underwater inspections of ships are needed.

In a letter to commissioners, Sheriff-elect Ric Bradshaw said he supports the grant.
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Old 19-03-2009, 22:52   #34

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Florida is not unique--in fact it is typical--of states in requiring ANY MOTOR VEHICLE, whether that is a boat or a CAR, to be registered and titled within the state if it is there for more than 90 consecutive days. Yes, many dual residents or seasonal residents ignore these laws (again, boats and cars alike) but the laws are still on the books. That one ain't a FloriDuh! thing, it is the norm in the US.

A RIB with machine guns isn't unusual either. In a seaport, running out of the port to intercept vessels at sea, it makes perfect sense. The problem being, some hyper young gung-ho is likely to be in charge of the RIB crew and forget that when in port, those guns will cause collateral damage for a mile downrange. (Or further, but we can assume someone or something will be hit by them during that first mile to stop the bullets.)
I've seen the USCG manning machine guns on 4x foot patrol boats in the East River, with Manhattan as their backstop less than 200 yards away. 200 yards is point blank range for those guns, that's just plain idiocy. From folks who should know better, because they claim to be military, not just BubbaCops.
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Old 20-03-2009, 03:59   #35
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Having guns like that is way overkill-its a case of use the money or lose it-
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Old 20-03-2009, 08:00   #36
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I'm with Ram on this one. There is a Coast Guard station --Lake Worth-- with small cutter and several RIBS (with double machine guns) also at this port. I have a lot of respect for the Coasties as a group. The Sheriff's are very hit-or-miss. There are some good ones, and there are some on steroids who should not have a weapon at all.

"Homeland Security" basically threw a bunch of money around after 9/11 and the Palm Beach County Sheriff decided that he wanted a new toy. I routinely see this vessel operating around Peanut Island with one man aboard. The only conclusion I can come to is that its presence is meant to intimidate.
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Old 20-03-2009, 12:09   #37
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please read what I said... the law is there... but it is not enforced as much as one might assume... good really need guys really need to take off those tin foil hats sometime.

IF you are not doing anyting wrong why worry about a cop boat.. boys like toys.. and the feds were handing out money..they had to justify the money.

For the record... what you really need to worry about is your jobs... apparently our new administration seems to think that rounding up illegal aliens and returning them to thier home country is unamerican.. chew on that..
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Old 20-03-2009, 12:41   #38
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Originally Posted by bella View Post
please read what I said... the law is there... but it is not enforced as much as one might assume... good really need guys really need to take off those tin foil hats sometime.

IF you are not doing anyting wrong why worry about a cop boat.. boys like toys.. and the feds were handing out money..they had to justify the money.

For the record... what you really need to worry about is your jobs... apparently our new administration seems to think that rounding up illegal aliens and returning them to thier home country is unamerican.. chew on that..
You have a good point there, after we get rid of all those damm foreigners I will have no trouble getting a real job--- picking tomatoes, mowing lawns, cleaning motel rooms ,working at a Mc. D, washing windows,Roofing,and if I'm really lucky a real good job collecting the garbage or maybe even cleaning up the side of the road of tin cans-
Those F^%$# Bastar^% have a lot of nerve taking all the good jobs! ----------- Its not about doing something wrong its about waste of out tax payer $
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Old 20-03-2009, 13:49   #39

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"IF you are not doing anyting wrong why worry about a cop boat.. "
Um, for the same reason that many range safety officers at many rifle ranges (and AFAIK all the ones that host sanctioned competitive events) will insist on seeing a safety flag in the breech of every rifle, stacked muzzle up off the benches, before they let anyone go down-range to change targets.

If you're familiar with weapons, you eyeball any that happen to be around you in the arms (etc) of a stranger. Stranger in a blue, beige, whatever color suit with a gun--is still a danger unless they are showing standard firearms safety practices. And a heavy machine gun in a populated area, is simply unsafe.

For that matter, a lot of police and feds carry MP4s and other "light" machine guns in urban settings, there's no safe way to open fire on full automatic with those either. Next time one walks by (a "tactical" squad, etc.) look at the selector lever. If it is on full auto--you're in danger simply being around.

The Army used to teach rifle carry muzzle-up, so an accidental discharge didn't ricochet off the ground or into your feet. Then came 'nam and helicopters, and they literally turned that around, carry muzzle-down so you can't shoot down your own aircraft with a discharge into the engine and rotors. Now...check out the NG troops at your local airport, you tell me if there's any standard to which way they carry. Over a concrete or terrazo floor, guaranteed to ricochet. (Well, last time I heard, they weren't allowed to carry with the chamber loaded except upon orders, so maybe they're defanged and just for show anyhow?)

Or the NYPD, who earned a snicker from every other PD in the nation when they were issued Glocks. And had to have them modified with a stronger trigger pull, because nine NYPD officers shoot themselves in the foot (literally!) when drawing their weapons. NYPD said the triggers were defective, too light. Glock and the rest of the world said "But you don't put your finger on the trigger until AFTER you draw."

NYPD still gets their Glocks with training wheels (stiffer triggers) because they just can't bother with proper firearms training.

So...someone with the same skill levels, and a heavy machine gun? Covers off and ammo loaded? Hmmm....Kinda like seeing two teenagers loading cases of booze into a go-fast boat on a hot summer evening with a couple of large cups in the cupholders. Somehow, you just know you don't want to be around that boat.
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Old 20-03-2009, 22:26   #40
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Originally Posted by Ram View Post
You have a good point there, after we get rid of all those damm foreigners I will have no trouble getting a real job--- picking tomatoes, mowing lawns, cleaning motel rooms ,working at a Mc. D, washing windows,Roofing,and if I'm really lucky a real good job collecting the garbage or maybe even cleaning up the side of the road of tin cans-
Those F^%$# Bastar^% have a lot of nerve taking all the good jobs! ----------- Its not about doing something wrong its about waste of out tax payer $
so you think removing illegal aliens from this country is a waste of taxpayer dollars? oh puhleeze... just a small thought... a lot of the latest problems for us cruisers involve ICE and Customs.. and the fact that jihadists have figured out how to get into this country via the illegal alien routes.. and some of them are via boats.. I guess carrying my thought to a logical conclusion is too much for liberals..
I am finished with this conversation..
laters.. don't expect another reply... I have phone calls to make and senators to annoy...
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Old 21-03-2009, 05:43   #41
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Folks, let's get back on topic here...

"Soon to be new law- anti anchoring-live aboard in Florida"

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Old 21-03-2009, 10:56   #42
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Thread closed because, once again, certain people just couldn't keep it on topic and wanted to start another 'gun' thread. Like guns? Try a topic search and read for hours - they, like this one are all closed. We keep 'giving clues' but some folk have difficulty with that. If you REALLY like guns - try a completely different forum ...
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