I'd like to take a quick, informal
survey of those of you who are home (boat) schooling your
kids. If the opportunity were available would you like to have an education professional, like my Ph.D. wife, evaluate your
children or grandchildren for their educational progress, on board your vessel?
We know that in general
live-aboard kids are MUCH better informed and socially mature than the average, the question is only how do they stand on a comparable basis when you are preparing them to apply for college acceptance? Standardized testing considers both achievement levels (accumulated knowledge) and cognitive abilities (genetic make-up) and then the final report offers the parents a clear picture of what areas are "up to par" or higher and what areas need some additional monitoring for the achievement of excellence.
Additionally, my wife's speciality is special educational needs, if your child or a grandchild has one or more areas where a developmental delay may be present often an appropriate and timely intervention will bring the child up the the level of classmates or beyond. All responses to this
survey are for our information only.