Originally Posted by hreifeiss
I recently bought a Catalina 34 with the plan to convert it into a liveaboard in Boston MA.
My question, is what do most liveaboard do for insurance coverage? The marina I'm staying at requires being a secondary insured with a 500 thousand - 1 million liability coverage.
It seems most insurance companies I've been looking at won't cover a liveaboard situation.
Any advice appreciated! Especially if you're in MA.
As you are finding,
marinas REQUIRE insurance and Liveaboard insurance is becoming not only difficult to find, but dangerous to even ask insurance companies about. Once you inquire with any insurance company, they will add that fact to your data, after politely saying "NO". That means you will most likely never get
boat insurance from that company, livaboard or not, because they will assume you to be living on it. Whether they share such data with other insurance companies or not, is unknown to me, but you could get 'black listed'. If you get regular insurance and liveaboard anyway, you can assume that in the case of a claim, it will be denied because the vessel remains will be inspected and a liveaboard
boat has plenty of clues for them to deny a claim with. In summary, try to find an economic roommate situation near the harbor to live in, while spending as much time on your boat as the marina will allow access to your vessel.