I just know that when you say "live aboard" a lot of marinas knee jerk reaction is to say no. Once you're there and they know you and see that you take care of your
boat and are a good tenant, they're more willing to
work with you.
If I was inquiring over the
phone, I would just ask about slip rates for the desired time period. If they ask if you live aboard, I would ask if that matters.
In some places, the marinas are only allowed a certain percentage of live aboards. By referring to yourself as a transient, you help them and you to get around that.
The marina I'm in now doesn't officially allow live aboards. But there are several transient
boats, some that have been here for years. Everyone pays the same rate, transient or not. If you're a bad tenant, it gives the marina an option for kicking you out.
I've never been charged more as a transient, if I was staying any length of time.
Your mileage may vary.
Slips on the
west coast of
Florida seems to be much easier to find and cheaper, based on what I've read here.
Best of luck.