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Old 29-09-2016, 22:39   #16
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Up the mast, looking for clean wind.
Boat: Currently Shopping, & Heavily in LUST!
Posts: 5,629
Re: How quickly can I get into a boat after moving?

Get used to living out of your car/suitcase/cramped micro-quarters, while doing all of your showering & changing at the gym As after all, a boat's not that much bigger than all of the above. And as often as not, once living onboard, you'll be showering & scraping your face in the marina's bathrooms, along with all of the others who call their boats, home. More folks on weekends

Seriously though, in most cities of any size there are a myriad of short-term to mid-length living options, & you'd be wise to look into them. You can find flats or suites which rent by the day/week/month, studios or apartments, room-mates wanted, rooms at the YMCA or similar, & "other". Whatever "other" happens to be... Please chime in here guys, ideas are needed.

I say as much, as you're far, far better off planning for it to take a while to do a quality job when buying a boat, than you are to figure that it'll be simple. It's a big investment. One that you want to do right.

Here are just a few light weight what if's that can throw a wrench into things:
- Survey shows problems with the boat. Structural ones which rule out buying her.
- She sea trials like crap, so again, no purchase.
- Survey finds issues. You negotiate down price, but issues need tending to prior to making her into a home.
- New cushions are needed, after an in depth cleaning of the boat. Minimum 1 week fix time for everything.
- Issues with title. Requires chasing documents around the country for 2 weeks.
NOTE: No mention in the post has mentioned doing a title search in order to make sure that; the owner is indeed the owner, & that there are no maritime liens on the boat. Especially ones which would preclude her sale.
- Boat needs immediate TLC on the hard in order to preclude her sinking, though all else checks out (yeah right).

So like Ann T. Cate said, Mr. Murphy is alive, well, & already onboard as permanent crew.

Besides, to do things right in terms of properly evaluating an unknown to you boat takes a good bit of time, & involves quite a number of folks, & even more steps. So for things to take a month, assuming no major hiccups in the boat or the process, is a pretty realistic & safe amount of time to plan on. Knock on wood.
And needs be, I'll delineate all of the steps. But as stated, it can be a long process. Even more so than when buying a house.

The Uncommon Thing, The Hard Thing, The Important Thing (in Life): Making Promises to Yourself, And Keeping Them.
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