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Old 28-12-2008, 21:15   #16
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For me, it even took on a larger perspective, as having been a firefighter for 20 years, involved in emergency management for 15 and been to both Andrew and Katrina, and yes, still bought a sailboat and moved aboard. The big question after are you crazy, is what about hurricanes... I have to go thru the whole bit, I can move my home now, where as before I couldnt... So yea, crazy like a fox...
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Old 28-12-2008, 23:53   #17
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Whenever our friends find that we are out cruising and near their area they always ask, "How about we pick you up at the pier, and bring you to our house for a few days to give you a break from that boat." It happened just today again. Two different friends wanted us to leave our boat in Mandeville, LA. and relax in a nice warm bed at their house. We try to explain that we too have a nice house but choose to cruise on purpose. They cannot relate or understand us at all.

We also tell them that we may sell soon and go out there before we can't. They too consider us crazy! What about the pirates in the news, what about medical, and your doctors, what about hurricanes, how can you leave your friends and family. Why don't you just take a cruise on a ship and get this out of your system, don't you think you are too old for that life.

There is no explaining to them that it is the adventure and the unknown that is the main attraction, and that we are older but have retained the spirit of adventure inside.

Years ago, back in the late 80's we had a sailing friend in Mississippi. His name was Avery Katz and he sailed a Hunter 30 to Mexico and the Keys and Bahamas, usually alone. He was quite an inspiration to many in the area. He was crazy too according to some. Avery was 84 when we met him on his return from Cancun across the Gulf. He was 87 when he left for the Bahamas in '88. He sailed until he was in his early 90's, usually alone.

So when we feel old and a bit crazy, we just remember AVERY and his sprit of adventure.
"Love My Country, Fear My Government"
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Old 29-12-2008, 16:52   #18
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Avery..ya I have knowen a couple guys in there 80's and 90's that blow me away too..

I should go now...I suspect aging from 50 to 60 to be about like the trip from 30 to 50...Its not looking good.
"Go simple, go large!".

Relationships are everything to me...everything else in life is just a tool to enhance them.
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Old 29-12-2008, 18:59   #19
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It just boils down to one simple quote that we've all heard because it is so true, "Different strokes for different folks".

I have lived many different life styles in my time. I've had the big fancy homes and new car every year, I cruised for 14 years, now I manage an apt building in Beverly Hills, none the less, it's still just apt living.

I was happiest when I was cruising, I am happy now and we have a beautiful home that we will retire in. in 2013. I live where I live now because it makes us happiest. We will retire in a rural community in Northern San Diego County because it will make us happy.

I don't think that we should be limited by what others think we should do. We should live our lives to the fullest (whatever that means to us) and they should do the same. I don't judge them, they shouldn't judge me.

Did people think we were nuts when we sold our 2200 sq', 4b/r home and moved onto a sailboat???? Most Dad understood, my wife's Dad didn't. Most of the people in our Church wanted me to go in for counseling, which I did and the Pastor said that he wished he could do it and gave his blessing.

Some say that it has to do with jealousy. I don't believe that. It has more to do with "Different strokes" IMHO.
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Old 04-01-2009, 13:47   #20
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Go for it. "course I don't think you will get anything different here... We sold out 4.5 years ago for a 60' cutter sloop. Family of 4 - Yes - 2 TEENAGE children - and are having the time of our lives.

Congrats on the gal. I was sent one of those too. My Wife, Lucy, is very happy on board. I told her my plans to sail around the world just after we met and her first question was, "When do we leave?" Rare indeed.

Very satisfying getting rid of all that crap we hadn't touched in a year or more (BIG garage sale).

Things are more expensive on a boat????
Have you bought a new furnace for your house lately? - about the same.
Have you bought a new stove lately? About the same
Yes, some marine goodies can be a bit more expensive, but if you do your research you might find that houses are just as expensive. Just different maintenance items.

What about schooling your new child? You have 4 years to research and realize that homeschooling is the only way to go. You kids will actually get an education rather than an indoctrination they would get from a government school. It is the influence of these institutions that give people the idea that realizing your dreams is CRAZY. I say Government (public) schooling is CRAZY.

Boats are a bad investment? Ha.. Want to talk about a bad investment? A house. Ever done the mathematics for a house?
Pay 150,000 for your house - 25k down and $125,000 mortgage over 30 years at 5%...
There's 1 house for you and 1 + for the banker.
Then insurance over the life of the mortgage - Say, $15,000
Property taxes @ 2,500 per year - $75,000
Maintenance (house) @ $2,000 per year (conservative) $60,000
Landscaping @ $2,000 per year - $60,000
So we have now a house on a postage stamp lot that over a 30 year ammortization has cost you
$25,000 Down
$250,000 in payments
$15,000 insurance
$75,000 property taxes
$60,000 for maintenance
$60,000 for landscaping.

Over 30 years you spend about $485,000 for your "good investment" of a house. And those are conservative estimates. Is the house going to be worth that in 30 years? Don't think so. Look what has happened to the housing market in the past year..

Who's crazy about bad investments?

Our boat has INCREASED in value over the past 4 years. The house we sold has lost value when compared to gold.

Crazy? Yup, I guess we were. The in-Laws still think we are. Most everyone else think that it's pretty cool. We hang around those people.. (mainly other liveaboards ;-).

Do it because - If you don't you will be filled with regrets. And you won't have to put up with your kids wondering why you didn't offer them the lifestyle. That happened to 2 friends of mine... (same scenario - different boats) Had always wanted to, but waited 'till their kids moved out, sold everything and bought a boat. Only to have their kids ask them why they didn't do it when they were at home - because they would have loved it.

Truthfully, Boat kids have more respect and are better mannered than most land based Kids I meet. (Ok.. I'm a bit prejudiced) .

Do it - do it now.. You won't be disappointed.

Best in your hunt. Best in the new year.
SV Stone Age
Sailing in Belize
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Old 04-01-2009, 13:56   #21
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Amen, wish I had.
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Old 04-01-2009, 15:30   #22
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We started our circumnavigation when our kids were teenagers, and they loved the trip. I would do the same thing again if given the chance.

People did think that we were crazy, and I must admit that I have failed to adjust to "civilization" - I can't wait to get out there and set sail on another voyage.
Dave -Sailing Vessel Exit Only
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Old 04-01-2009, 20:39   #23
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You wanna get some CRAZY looks? Sure there's the one you get when you move aboard. And the one you get when you quit your lucrative careeres to cruise. But the REAL crazy look is when you get pregnant. And then you say you are moving off your boat... on to a bigger boat.

WHAT - you can't have a baby on a boat!!!??? I just turn off my listening ears and turn on my polite-smile-topic-changing-persona. Our son is 4.5 and no signs of permanent damage from being on board since birth yet.

Although I DO have to look back and wonder what I was thinking being on a 36 foot boat with no air conditioning tied to the dock in a hot climate while pregnant. Now that was a little crazy.

(schoonerdog's wife stealing his account again)
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Old 04-01-2009, 21:16   #24
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Do It

I am getting ready to sell my house and move aboard my 34 Pearson. Most of my friends and neighbors know I am a nut. There are two types of people; astrologists who journey the stars from the safety of there telescope and than there are astronauts who cast off there lines and go for it. There is nothing wrong with a little healthy fear!
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Old 04-01-2009, 21:49   #25
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when we moved aboard our boat...

...everyone said we were crazy.

Ten years later, when we took an apartment, everyone said the same thing.
cruising is entirely about showing up--in boat shoes.
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:46   #26
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It totally amazes me how much people give a rip about what people think. Maybe that's why they move aboard a boat or go live in a cabin in the woods. Aside from a chosen few, no one cares whether you live or die. Do whatever you want and don't talk about it to anyone.
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Old 05-01-2009, 05:19   #27
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What other people think of me is none of my business
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Old 08-01-2009, 19:11   #28
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I recall a conversation I had on this years ago. This guys arguement was that if we were meant to live on the water, God would have given us fins and scales. My reply = The surface of the earth is 70% water, not turf. In giving us both feet and boat building skills, sounds like God is saying "Go explore!"
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”
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Old 09-01-2009, 06:58   #29
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We must all live the lives that suit us. We are now entering our fifth year aboard. We ARE NOT cold, that is because we have heat. Our plan is to head south next season. We thought it would be a little longer before we could take off, but happily some things have changed that will allow us to leave.
In any case, there are many things a person could do that others might deem as crazy. I personally do not live my life according to 'others'.
Let us know how it goes.
Fair Winds
SV Witchcraft
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Old 09-01-2009, 07:56   #30
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If you realy hate to go home after spending the weekend on the boat you might be ready to liveaboard. cruising is living aboard in different places. I raised my son living on sailboats and asked him one day after he was grown with his own family if he ever regretted our lifestyle when he was growing up and he said not for a moment. he would do the same if his wife would go along. still living the life and hope to till I can't get on and off the boat anymore.
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liveaboard, living aboard, transition

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