Go for it. "course I don't think you will get anything different here... We
sold out 4.5 years ago for a 60'
cutter sloop.
Family of 4 - Yes - 2 TEENAGE
children - and are having the time of our lives.
Congrats on the gal. I was sent one of those too. My Wife, Lucy, is very happy on board. I told her my plans to sail around the world just after we met and her first question was, "When do we leave?" Rare indeed.
Very satisfying getting rid of all that crap we hadn't touched in a year or more (BIG garage sale).
Things are more expensive on a boat????
Have you bought a new furnace for your house lately? - about the same.
Have you bought a new
stove lately? About the same
Yes, some
marine goodies can be a bit more expensive, but if you do your
research you might find that houses are just as expensive. Just different
maintenance items.
What about schooling your new child? You have 4 years to
research and realize that homeschooling is the only way to go. You
kids will actually get an education rather than an indoctrination they would get from a
government school. It is the influence of these institutions that give people the idea that realizing your dreams is CRAZY. I say
Government (public) schooling is CRAZY.
Boats are a bad investment? Ha.. Want to talk about a bad investment? A house. Ever done the mathematics for a house?
Pay 150,000 for your house - 25k down and $125,000 mortgage over 30 years at 5%...
There's 1 house for you and 1 + for the banker.
insurance over the life of the mortgage - Say, $15,000
taxes @ 2,500 per year - $75,000
Maintenance (house) @ $2,000 per year (conservative) $60,000
Landscaping @ $2,000 per year - $60,000
So we have now a house on a postage stamp lot that over a 30 year ammortization has cost you
$25,000 Down
$250,000 in payments
$75,000 property
$60,000 for maintenance
$60,000 for landscaping.
Over 30 years you spend about $485,000 for your "good investment" of a house. And those are conservative estimates. Is the house going to be worth that in 30 years? Don't think so. Look what has happened to the housing market in the past year..
Who's crazy about bad investments?
Our boat has INCREASED in value over the past 4 years. The house we sold has
lost value when compared to gold.
Crazy? Yup, I guess we were. The in-Laws still think we are. Most everyone else think that it's pretty cool. We hang around those people.. (mainly other liveaboards ;-).
Do it because - If you don't you will be filled with regrets. And you won't have to put up with your
kids wondering why you didn't offer them the lifestyle. That happened to 2 friends of mine... (same scenario - different boats) Had always wanted to, but waited 'till their kids moved out, sold everything and bought a boat. Only to have their kids ask them why they didn't do it when they were at home - because they would have loved it.
Truthfully, Boat kids have more respect and are better mannered than most land based Kids I meet. (Ok.. I'm a bit prejudiced) .
Do it - do it now.. You won't be disappointed.
Best in your hunt. Best in the new year.