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Old 03-11-2015, 12:05   #16
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

~~I spent 6 years in the Caribbean and had a few Dinks. Seeing as you're headed that way I'd wait until you get there to purchase as there are far better deals obtainable.
As many do I anchored and many times I was 2-3 miles from shopping; typical, so you need a 10ft preferably 12ft to carry all your provisions.
With 10-15hp to get you on a plane against trade winds and keep you level.
Larger is problematic unless you have very strong Davits and Deck Crane to handle the engine.
Most use their Dink everyday for a number of reasons; socializing, exploring, flea markets, secluded bays, that can be at a great distance.
Venezuela offers best deal where you can purchase new Caribs with Tohatsu OB for what you pay for beat up junk in NA and I suspect Europe also.
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Old 03-11-2015, 12:19   #17
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

Only real drawback I've had so far with a larger and heavier dinghy is beaching the thing and getting it back into the water if the tide has gone out. I've only had it happen once, but that was enough
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Old 03-11-2015, 12:25   #18
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

There are some brilliant (US made) drop down transom wheels available. Ours are indespensible and I can manage our duck (dinghy) with a 25hp on the transom alone. We have them on both of ours. I forget which make ours are but they were subsequently improved by the manufacturer and received a best product from Practical Sailor. Ours were the first model produced and have been transferred from our old Avons to our Ocean Crafts. With their semi soft pneumatic tyres they even handle pretty soft sand.

Originally Posted by a64pilot View Post
Only real drawback I've had so far with a larger and heavier dinghy is beaching the thing and getting it back into the water if the tide has gone out. I've only had it happen once, but that was enough
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Old 03-11-2015, 12:37   #19
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

I know your right, just I guess have a problem with wheels on a boat. The other day the wife and I were out on a ride and I commented on how nice a depth finder would be to have, you know to use it to "scout" for the bigger boat. Now wheels?

I already bought a trailer to take it home for the winter, it has it's own registration.
I wonder when you just say to heck with it and get a little one with I don't know, oars?

Just kidding really
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Old 03-11-2015, 13:05   #20
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

Based on pictures of your boat, you needn't worry about having enough deck space for anything which you desire, dinghy wise. Foredeck, Midships Cabin Top, or Aft Cabin Top.

Although with the latter option, you might want to move the mizzen traveler aft. But if you rig it properly, you could use the mizzen sheet as your dinghy hoist. A Very handy, & pretty simple "trick" to install/modify. And it'd make the dingy a snap to hoist or launch on short notice, if you keep it stowed with it's keel down; in port & on short passages.

I'm basing what I'm saying on pics like these;
Which make it pretty plain that there's lots of room for your toy(s). It's more a question of deciding what you want.

If you want to give us some measurements of the various locations which I proposed, it'll make it a bit easier for us to give you good suggestions/feedback.
Although, were it me, the aft deck would be the 1st choice. Due to ease of launch & retrieval, as denoted.
The foredeck would be my #2 option, as, if you put the dink on top of the main cabin, it'll impede your view from the helm, via that oh so functional hard dodger/windscreen.
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Old 03-11-2015, 13:37   #21
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

Originally Posted by a64pilot View Post
I know your right, just I guess have a problem with wheels on a boat. The other day the wife and I were out on a ride and I commented on how nice a depth finder would be to have, you know to use it to "scout" for the bigger boat. Now wheels?

I already bought a trailer to take it home for the winter, it has it's own registration.
I wonder when you just say to heck with it and get a little one with I don't know, oars?

Just kidding really
What we use, instead of wheels is a "spare" fender. We put it under the bow then pull the dinghy up till it pops out the stern. Repeat as necessary. Do the opposite for going back down the beach, if needed. [Our RIB starded life as a 3.5, may be slightly shorter now, due to different shaped tubes when we re-tubed it.]

Some people like the wheels. We found they are not much use in soft sand, but seem to work a treat on firm surfaces.

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Old 03-11-2015, 14:33   #22
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

I had a chuckle reading that. Around two years ago I bought a hand held depth gauge that also works through the dinghy hull. We used to have one a few centuries ago but made the mistake of lending it out. The borrower 'dropped' it overboard - never to be seen again. We used it a fair amount when scouting passages, in a our tin dinghy with a 25hp outboard! Its also useful when scuba diving/snorkelling or just checking out anchorages in some remote places like some of the atolls in the Indian Ocean.
Yeah, I know, wheels ........ but once you have them you'll never look back. Landing in the surf lets you drop the wheels as you surf in, and then pretty easily (relative term) haul your duck up the beach, with a biggish outboard motor hanging off the transom. Originally we had those little roller wheels that flipped down and which lifted the duck about 4 inches off the beach. They were zero help when it was rocky or stony as there was not enough lift and they simply sank into soft sand and acted like anchors. We later bought the 10inch blow-up tyres on stalks and have sworn by them ever since. I have since seen them as recommended in Practical Sailor. The guy that makes them was incredibly helpful, too. We bought early production models and they are still going strong around 12-13 years later.
Our dinghies also serve as lifeboats - we have attachments for a goalposts fore and aft that enable a protection canopy to be rigged (storm or sun), we have a windsurfer mast and sail stored inside when at sea, drogues and the usual survival gear as well. I have had loads of criticism from some sectors as we dont carry a conventional life raft but our ducks are certified by the Aussie authorities in this capacity and we are comfortable knowing that they are kept in good decent condition and are familiar to us as well as readily available for instant use. By contrast, some other experienced cruisers also consider it a very viable solution. For us, it meets with our aspirations.

Originally Posted by a64pilot View Post
I know your right, just I guess have a problem with wheels on a boat. The other day the wife and I were out on a ride and I commented on how nice a depth finder would be to have, you know to use it to "scout" for the bigger boat. Now wheels?

I already bought a trailer to take it home for the winter, it has it's own registration.
I wonder when you just say to heck with it and get a little one with I don't know, oars?

Just kidding really
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Old 03-11-2015, 14:37   #23
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

Originally Posted by Ann T. Cate View Post
What we use, instead of wheels is a "spare" fender. We put it under the bow then pull the dinghy up till it pops out the stern. Repeat as necessary. Do the opposite for going back down the beach, if needed. [Our RIB starded life as a 3.5, may be slightly shorter now, due to different shaped tubes when we re-tubed it.]

Some people like the wheels. We found they are not much use in soft sand, but seem to work a treat on firm surfaces.

Hi Anne, I am always collecting others knowledge - think I started before Jimmy Cornell !
What dinghy and motor(s) do you and Jim use?
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Old 03-11-2015, 14:45   #24
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

Originally Posted by a64pilot View Post
I know your right, just I guess have a problem with wheels on a boat.
I was once inside the NR-1, in the lower fwd observation dome. How do you feel about a nuclear submarine with a wheel on the bottom?

Leaves the funniest looking tracks. Moby Dick on a unicycle.
Expat life in the Devil's Triangle:
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Old 03-11-2015, 14:49   #25
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

Originally Posted by Ann T. Cate View Post
What we use, instead of wheels is a "spare" fender. We put it under the bow then pull the dinghy up till it pops out the stern. Repeat as necessary. Do the opposite for going back down the beach, if needed. [Our RIB starded life as a 3.5, may be slightly shorter now, due to different shaped tubes when we re-tubed it.]

Some people like the wheels. We found they are not much use in soft sand, but seem to work a treat on firm surfaces.


That makes sense and I happen to have a couple of smaller ones from the last boat that ought to work well

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Old 03-11-2015, 14:52   #26
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

Originally Posted by Canibul View Post
I was once inside the NR-1, in the lower fwd observation dome. How do you feel about a nuclear submarine with a wheel on the bottom?

Leaves the funniest looking tracks. Moby Dick on a unicycle.

You know honestly I have no idea what an NR-1 is, Nuclear Research 1 ?
Why would it have had a wheel?

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Old 03-11-2015, 14:57   #27
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

Hi Anne, I am always collecting others knowledge - think I started before Jimmy Cornell ! What dinghy and motor(s) do you and Jim use?
Hi, Bulawayo,

1. The dinghy started out as a Gemini (Swift alloy hull, but with South African - unfortunately- light duty hypalon tubes). First set of tubes set afire by thieves, but we got the hull and soot back. 2nd set of tubes by Gemini. Being light duty, the hypalon abrasion-wore, and commenced leaking. Replaced now with German PVC tubes, fabricated in China, an experiment for us, our first PVC, and we had made chaps for it by the time it was a few weeks old. We'll see how it lasts--it's not even a year, yet. [As an aside, I started a thread about the chaps, what I did that I hadn't seen before, was to sew retro-reflective piping around the perimeter so it really shows up at night if a torch light strikes it.]

2. The touring motor is a Yamaha 15, the "putzing" motor is a Johnson 3.3 (which we bought for the replacement/temporary dinghy when the Gemini was vandalized.) We do not have a deck crane, Jim manages the 15 with a lifting harness and myself on the halyard. The 3.3 is light enough he just manhandles it, as you know, but some of the less experienced cruisers might not.


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Old 03-11-2015, 15:18   #28
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

This has been really instructive, a big "thank you" to everyone for your comments.

I think we're going to wear out the roll-up dinghy we've got and keep an eye out for a good deal somewhere down the line. Your recommendations are going to be very helpful in giving us a head start on what is a good deal!

Thanks again,
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Old 03-11-2015, 16:33   #29
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

I been at dingy docks where they had a 12 foot limit
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Old 03-11-2015, 17:38   #30
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Re: How big of a Dinghy?

I think these look great.
The hardest part for me is getting the right compromise for 33 foot boat.

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