Run your life electronically with e-mail and
internet banking. If you have a year before you set off on your new adventure, run a simulation by paying EVERYTHING electronically. Every time you get a paper bill, convert it to electronic form. If you encounter a vendor that refuses to do business this way, ask them if they mind waiting a year or so for payment until you return. This has never failed. The only fools who won't cooperate (because they have yet to make the move to the 21st. century) will be the
government and
medical providers, bless their little cotton socks....and even the
government is starting to get their act together on this.
If you MUST use snail mail, we have found it best to use a postal mail box
service that will forward your mail upon demand. We just contact them by e-mail with the new address and they forward whatever we request and charge the card we leave on file.