My wife Nancie and I thought we were the most typical liveaboard/cruisers, but we were surprised to find some much variety in what people actually do. For our first years we were working as teachers and raising our
children while
living aboard, so we had a home port that we stayed in most of the year. Cruising was for summers off to the
Bahamas or shorter cruises during spring break...Christmas or Easter Holidays, but now as retired liveaboard/cruisers we are more free to choose. What are some of your choices for those in "the same boat"? We seem to have settled into a pattern of north to the Chesapeake or on to
Maine in the summer with much
anchoring out, but sometimes a month stay at a marina. We're back to our north
Florida region for Thanksgiving and
Christmas with
family and then to the
Bahamas, Keys, or
Gulf Coast for the rest of the
winter until spring. We know other latitude cruisers, like us, that take the two week quick trip north or south and then spend a full five months at their seasonal marina. Others are crossing that line to spend
hurricane season south of the risky area down in Trinidad. Others must be always sailing new territory and off to new horizons. We seem to have settled into our pattern and I love to return to many favorite spots. So, what are you fulltime
liveaboard cruisers doing out there? Are there
West Coast,US lattitude cruisers in the same huge numbers as on the
East Coast, US? Is there a significant seasonal flow of European Cruisers? Are you Aussies doing the seasonal cruising? 'take care and joy, Aythya crew