What are your fuzzy, warm, comforts of home, ideas and improvements and "best of" recommendations, and where can we all find them?
1) Changed the overhead LED spots from institutional blue to warm white. Bulbs on eBay less than $3 a piece.
2) Installed 12' long DC powered warm LED
rope light at the back of lounge seating area (Ebay) for cozy indirect
3) Installed
battery operated motion sensing photocell LED light
water resistent light fixtures in the heads from Amazon (I use a standard size post it notes to soften the light, cheesey but it works).
4) Applied wall decale art
work throughout (Etsy.com)
5) Hot
water bottles (a must have if cold is an issue)
6) Shark V1510 handheld vacuum (sucks the dimples off a potato).
7) Scented soy candle for
interior lighting during night passages. While doing the watch I treat myself to an audio book (audible.com).
WiFi booster to get
internet in places you wouldn't believe.
9) Worlds Best Cat Litter, no dust, light natural smell. Costs 2x's more than scoopable clay but lasts 2x's longer, weighs 1/2 as much.
10 Kitchen knife box holder. Made it using bamboo skewers and a box (interior dims 5" x 5" x 8" high and 1400 skewers from the dollar store). Make sure it's securely held in place or you'll be playing 1400 pick up