Cap'n E here (terrible cad that I am)--got the wireless
internet working on the boat. Just want to say thanks to all for showing the true meaning of community. Linda has had to go back to work (school teacher) after a summer off, and methinks she was feeling a bit frustrated. Thanks for all of the kind words--especially PBlais & Ex (shoot--don't want to offend by not including). Okay, thank you all! Feeling lonely is a bad thing, and I know that she views this web as a trusted group of friends.
Lest anyone think that I've been kicking back on the
mooring sipping Daiquiris and taking in the sun, I'll kindly remind that we purchased a 1983 GS 44 that sat behind a
dock in Boca Raton for 4 years --and through
hurricane Wilma--without anyone touching the poor girl. The
broker brought a
mechanic along on the sea trial, and we needed him. This past week I rebuilt both heads -- talk about FUN!!!
My take on "Can you have it all?" Yes! But it's a hell of a lot of work, a lot of compromise, and a lot of communication. The lifestyle itself is not for everyone. I've had friends say, "Well, if I could have a hot
shower and air conditioning [and presumably ice cream], and get
satellite TV, then I could do it." Well, of course you could. You'd be living in suburbia, only on the water. You'd never go anywhere because you'd be too busy maintaining all of the systems you think you need. I've watched about 4 hours of television in the last month, and two of those were a
Fortunately my wife is not terribly high
maintenance (God, I will pay for that one), and she digs living on the boat, swimming in the morning with a
shower off of fresh, and the occasional aqua poo. That part's done. We have a 16-year old. That
parts not.
By the way, does anyone know much about solenoids?