I could probably google this, but always like to hear from seasoned sailors. We had some fruit/veggie go bad in our fruit/veggie hammock and I want to clean it. How do you clean your hammocks when you need to?
Back in the days when women wore underwear you could get a small mesh bag from most "drug stores" in which to wash the "dainties". I bet they still make those bags and that they would work just fine to wash a hammock. I use a much larger mesh bag to wash running rigging without wrapping the entire mess around the washer hub...........m
I must go down to the sea again.........
if you donot feel like going to a laundromat just for the gear net, use a pail and a plunger to hand wash--soap, of course.lol...but the plunger and pail work great....
If you want do do it for free... go for a sail and trail it behind you on a long line for 2-3hrs... works a treat
You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
"It is better to die standing proud, than to live a lifetime on ones knees.."
Self Defence is no excuse for Genocide...