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Old 03-10-2010, 11:36   #1
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Catamarans in NE for Winter

I'm considering buying a Leopard 47 owner's version, never in charter, very clean.

My plan was to eventually move it from the Chesepeake to the Boston area, maybe even Rhode Island, so that I can be closer to my kids who live with x in Newton Center, MA.

After lots of reading it seems to me that heat and dock space will be the biggest issues. I'm installing a hydronic heating system and enclosing the cockpit (already has a hard bimini) that should do the trick re. heat. I hope!

Dock space seems to be a huge limitation. The boat is set up great for anchoring (in the right season), but I'll still need a dock for the winter. Boat is 25' x 47'...huge.

Here are my question: Am I a lunitic or what (for the Cat idea, not a lunitic in general...most of my friends have verified that)? A cat in the NE year round?? I need to know if this is the dumbest thing ever prior to signing a contract. Is it possible to live on the hook in the Boston area, or must one be on a mooring/dock? I've read most posts on heating boats in the winter and posts on where to live aboard in real concern is keeping a Cat in that (MA and RI) area.

Thanks for any advice (or slaps upside the head).

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Old 03-10-2010, 12:52   #2
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Couple questions/observations:

1. Why a cat? I love them and will probably get one next, but what is your reason for one?

2. Living on the hook in the winter in Boston raises one big question for me ... ICE! How you gonna get from the boat to shore? Having lived aboard in the winter on the Chesapeake Bay I can tell you ice can be a big problem even at the dock. I can't imagine living on the hook.

3. As for heating the boat, that can be done easily at the dock assuming you have shore power but on the hook you are going to be burning a lot of fuel.
Mundis Ex Igne Factus Est
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Old 03-10-2010, 15:51   #3
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Thanks for the reply. You're absolutely correct. Living on the hook in the winter up there would foolish and most likely undoable. I'd definately live at a dock in winter. I was wondering if there are rules against living on the hook in Boston during the boating season?

Also, is a Cat really, really impractical for living aboard in the winter and sailing season in the RI/MA area?

Finally, why a's going to be my home. I've sold, or will sell everything else I've owned. I've two kids (who live in MA). All-in-all the room on a cat (as you know) is so much more.

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