I'm considering
buying a
Leopard 47 owner's version, never in
charter, very clean.
My plan was to eventually move it from the Chesepeake to the Boston area, maybe even
Rhode Island, so that I can be closer to my
kids who live with x in Newton Center, MA.
After lots of reading it seems to me that heat and
dock space will be the biggest issues. I'm installing a hydronic
heating system and enclosing the
cockpit (already has a hard bimini) that should do the trick re. heat. I hope!
Dock space seems to be a huge limitation. The
boat is set up great for
anchoring (in the right season), but I'll still need a dock for the
Boat is 25' x 47'...huge.
Here are my question: Am I a lunitic or what (for the Cat idea, not a lunitic in general...most of my friends have verified that)? A cat in the NE year round?? I need to know if this is the dumbest thing ever prior to signing a
contract. Is it possible to live on the hook in the Boston area, or must one be on a mooring/dock? I've read most posts on
heating boats in the
winter and posts on where to
live aboard in Boston...my real concern is keeping a Cat in that (MA and RI) area.
Thanks for any
advice (or slaps upside the head).