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Old 27-01-2020, 08:11   #1
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Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

Hi! Over the last year or so I've been preparing my life to be able to buy a boat and leave for the Caribbean. It's me and two dogs, 40lbs and 20lbs. My plan and hope it's too live in the hook as long as I possibly can, or as long as it's fun.

I've been on sailboats before, but so far back that experience is not useful to me now. Basically, I've been ravenously reading and dreaming and YouTube watching. So I don't have much experience to draw on.

That all said, I've recently looked at a First 305 and I like the amenities it offers. It needs some work, but I'm not scared of hard work. I have tools galore and feel confident I could make her shine.

One of the big questions in my mind is, is this a boat that one sould consider living on? With no experience, it's tough to make that call. I can't find any info about this. Either I can't find it, or no one has written it because you just don't do it. Proving a negative is hard. It certainly isn't the boat the Pardey's would live on, but I can't judge if that makes it bad for my plans. Near term that's the Caribbean. In many years when life happens and I'm dog free (one dog only three) then I'd like to head West access the Pacific I think. But I also think buying a boat for so far in the future makes no sense.

Concerns I have are mainly about ruggedness, I guess. For instance, the chain locker is a pocket on Deck. Does anyone live on a boat like this, on the hook? I think mornings and slips would make it easy, but that won't be me. I can imagine turning the v berth into a proper chain locker, and putting a proper capstan/windlass on there. But it's work and maybe it just ruins the boat/resale.

General thoughts. If there are threads you can think of down a similar trail, I'd love to read them.

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Old 27-01-2020, 09:07   #2
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

Man there are sooooo many similar dream threads here.

I know nothing about a Bene 305, but believe that really a weekend racer/cruiser. What about it do you like or makes you feel its a good live on choice for you and 2 dogs? (And i am not saying that it isn't ok to do so)
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
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Old 27-01-2020, 09:27   #3
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

There are a lot of dream threads out there! I'm working on reading through some that may have what I'm looking for.

I like it because it has a sugar scoop, private bunks, private head, several portholes (even in what I'd call the captains quarters) and the companion way hatch is huge for circulation. It has a solid bridge deck. A nice u shaped galley I can imagine cooking and cleaning in. I imagine if she was shiny and clean a second person of the female persuasion could imagine herself living there. It has a comfortable nav station, and tiller steering. It also seems luxurious for the money.

What I don't like is along the line of the dire. The sugar scoop in a storm, the giant Plexi companionway cover, the giant windows on the sides, the fin keel and the Spade rudder. The v berth is kind of a joke (though it could be perfect for the dogs). There's no serious ground tackle either.
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Old 27-01-2020, 15:45   #4
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

Well it sounds you like it. The sugar scoop may/may not be a plus as if it is just off the water it will slap a lot of time.

I wouldn't worry a lot about the other stuff really. Those windows and companionway cover going to just fail in your planned use.

Good luck.
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Old 27-01-2020, 16:17   #5
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

Originally Posted by sailorboy1 View Post
Well it sounds you like it. The sugar scoop may/may not be a plus as if it is just off the water it will slap a lot of time.

I wouldn't worry a lot about the other stuff really. Those windows and companionway cover going to just fail in your planned use.

Good luck.
Oh, thanks for letting me know about the scoops. I never would have thought of that.

Can you clarify about the windows and companionway cover? I'm not sure if you're saying failure is rare or failure should always be expected so get what you want.
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Old 27-01-2020, 18:10   #6
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

They “arent”just going to fail
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
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Old 28-01-2020, 09:43   #7
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

We lived quite happily on Jeaneau 28 for a year sailing from Scotland to and around the Canary Islands.
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Old 28-01-2020, 09:57   #8
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

I'm a Beneteau owner with an eighty - five pound Labrador. The sugar scoop is a must in my case but that particular one doesn't excite me because you have to be able to get the dogs aboard from a dinghy and some dogs won't like the approach on that boat. Apart from that I think they are great boats. Looked at a similar one about eight years ago and loved everything except the scoop and the layout given our extended cruising included the teenage son. Went with the mid nineties Oceanis 400 and it is brilliant.
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Old 28-01-2020, 10:07   #9
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

I wouldn't recommend it for living on the hook if you have a choice. I'm familiar with that boat (a friend has one) and also lived on a small boat (Erikson 25, years ago).

For the same money and elbow grease you can get something heavier, like a pocket cruiser (equals comfort on the water, lightweight boats get tossed around violently at anchor when the wind kicks up).

When you live on the hook (as I do) your anchor set up is everything, so a real chain locker with strong cleats or samson post, strong anchor roller, robust enough to handle an all chain rode, etc. I've seen too many of these boats wash up on the rocks or beach after a storm because the lightweight anchor roller snapped and cut through the rope rode.

That said, lots of anchor outs do so in small boats like this, but they are one step from homelessness (meaning they don't have much choice of boats) and I wouldn't want to be one of them.
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Old 28-01-2020, 10:19   #10
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

The sugar scoop is a big plus for your dogs. easier on and off.

Unfortunately, I have seen too many dogs under-exercised on cruising boats.
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Old 28-01-2020, 14:16   #11
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Re: Beneteau First 305 for life on the hook? First first.

I am pretty much against sugar scoops. Certainly I can see that they raise hull speed and give a boarding platform but at an ongoing cost. Many services we use are predicated on boat length, hence the scoop will bump you up to the next level, ie 11 metres to 12 metres, without any commensurate reward in internal space. This will apply to insurance, slipping, berth rental and surveys. One needs to assess these negatives against the, in my mind, small advantages.
In direct response to the op, go for an older, full keel, cruising boat. Far better suited to your plans.
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