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Old 24-11-2019, 07:31   #1
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21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

At the end of summer I picked up a one-off 21ish foot sailboat which has similar lines to the Sam Crocker Stonehorse 23 but with a fairly different keel shape and some other differences. The interior space is almost the same - mine has sitting headroom, a v berth, a sink, and a porta-potty up in the bow. I plan on living on Rosy next summer and doing some light coastal cruising around Buzzard's Bay, Martha's Vineyard, and maybe out to Nantucket. There isn't much room for gear so I was wondering what you thought were the true essentials. She already has a basic electrical system with lights that's powered by the Yanmar 10hp Diesel onboard but I think I will add some sort of solar array to help charge it - probably one which is easily storable. I think a boom tent would be a good idea to add some more sheltered space when I'm moored or at anchor - and maybe give friends a place to sleep if I have them on board. Refrigeration is pretty much out of the question but I feel I could probably get by with a quality cooler and a fairly constant supply of ice. The porta potty is in a difficult to access place so I'll likely end up using a 5 gal bucket with a detachable seat. For navigation, I've got a small Simrad laying around which will be plenty for staying in sight of land. Cooking will be done with a small duel-burner camping stove that came with the boat.

What do you all think? - Is there anything else I need or would find extremely convenient?

Here's an image of Rosy:
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Old 24-11-2019, 08:07   #2
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

Small inflatable dinghy and oars to go ashore. Fish finder if the Simrad doesn't have an echo sounder built in will be very useful for creek crawling. VHF radio, some flares and a couple of fire extinguishers. Paper chart and a cheap orienteering compass, they are waterproof and don't corrode, used to carry one whilst diving.

The only worrying bit is the stove you mentioned. Is there a gas locker on the boat for the cylinder?

Otherwise keep it simple and enjoy

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Old 24-11-2019, 08:27   #3
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

Greetings and welcome aboard the CF, Occam.
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Old 24-11-2019, 08:48   #4
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

It sounds like you're looking to go out and have a great summer camping on a small boat. Should be a lot of fun!

Obviously, first you need what is required by the states/CG (pfds, fire extinguisher, horn or other noise maker, etc.).

I assume you're never going to be out of sight of land, so you should always have cell service. That should cover your nav requirements depending on where you're going. Cell phone also has compass for the very few times you'd need it. Just need to make sure you have it charged when you're going somewhere that you think you'll need nav.

Then I'd continued to go basic. Tarp for boom shade. Only possible solar would be small take-out-and-put-on-bow. Do you need a double burner stove? Find a pawn shop and swap it for a single burner, mount directly on top of propane type (figure out a good way to mount it, like a large drink holder with possible gimbal).
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Old 24-11-2019, 09:00   #5
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

Pete7 has a good list. We have a couple of compasses, VHF, a handheld GPS. Last year I replaced a broken Raymarine depth sounder with a Garmin Striker fishfinder, and it's been great. I hear ya re the location of the head, I'm thinking of an alternate arrangement as well. We use a cooler, we often start out with food and water that's frozen to maximize storage time. We cook on a single butane burner.

We currently have a 16" square solar panel that we leave on a cockpit seat when we're away, and that's been sufficient to keep our group-24 deep-cycle battery charged. All lighting is now LED.

But I have no illusion that I/we could successfully be liveaboards on a 19 ft boat, and I doubt that it's that much more possible on a 21 ft boat. Are you going to be based out of a marina, or close to somewhere where you can restock, shower, have a crap ? That might make it bearable.

I recommend the book Dinghy Cruising by Margaret Dye. Margaret and her husband Frank cruised extensively on a 16ft Wayfarer dinghy with a boom tent. The book has some tips and relayed experience. Best of all - after reading about their experiences, your 21 ft boat will seem luxurious by comparison.
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Old 24-11-2019, 09:42   #6
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

Originally Posted by Occam View Post
At the end of summer I picked up a one-off 21ish foot sailboat which has similar lines to the Sam Crocker Stonehorse 23 but with a fairly different keel shape and some other differences. The interior space is almost the same - mine has sitting headroom, a v berth, a sink, and a porta-potty up in the bow. I plan on living on Rosy next summer and doing some light coastal cruising around Buzzard's Bay, Martha's Vineyard, and maybe out to Nantucket. There isn't much room for gear so I was wondering what you thought were the true essentials. She already has a basic electrical system with lights that's powered by the Yanmar 10hp Diesel onboard but I think I will add some sort of solar array to help charge it - probably one which is easily storable. I think a boom tent would be a good idea to add some more sheltered space when I'm moored or at anchor - and maybe give friends a place to sleep if I have them on board. Refrigeration is pretty much out of the question but I feel I could probably get by with a quality cooler and a fairly constant supply of ice. The porta potty is in a difficult to access place so I'll likely end up using a 5 gal bucket with a detachable seat. For navigation, I've got a small Simrad laying around which will be plenty for staying in sight of land. Cooking will be done with a small duel-burner camping stove that came with the boat.

What do you all think? - Is there anything else I need or would find extremely convenient?

Here's an image of Rosy:
Intestinal fortitude.
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Old 24-11-2019, 10:16   #7
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

Originally Posted by Cadence View Post
Intestinal fortitude.
Oh ye of little faith if he is young and keen a summer away camping will be a grate experience and he follows in some great footsteps with simple cruising

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Old 24-11-2019, 10:21   #8
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

About 18 years ago when on our way to Nfld, we stopped in St Pierre-Miquelon (great croissants) and there encountered a sailor who had solo'd up the east coasts from south part of South America - in a 21 ft sailboat. That was in the early days of Nav systems - he had a very early Garmin GPS or similar, a good compass and some paper charts I had a quick look below while talking to him - two settee berths (standing headroom) one which he obviously slept on, a one burner stove (didn't see thee the type). Used a Bucket head and had some large water jugs in vue. Small outboard motor. Before sola panels and the other things we consider necessities. He seemed well organized - and happy!It can be done.
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Old 24-11-2019, 10:25   #9
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

Whoops - correction: NO standing headroom, and a tarp for over the boom for rain when moored or in port
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Old 24-11-2019, 10:52   #10
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

Thanks for the replies and warm welcome.

Safety equipment will definitely be a necessity - I plan on storing pfds, flares, fire extinguisher, and a first aid kit. I would put paper charts on that list as well. A dinghy also sounds nice. The only thing with an inflatable is I doubt I would ever be able to store it on deck. Not terrible considering I could always duck into a protected harbor if the weather means I can't tow. An inflatable kayak might solve this but would obviously limit the amount of supplies I could easily transfer between boat and land. There seems to be quite a bit of discussion about the stove. I don't have any internal gas storage, so I plan on just keeping a bunate cannister stored away somewhere and pulling it out when needed. Keeping in mind the fairly cramped space down below I think I'd be doing most of my cooking in the cockpit on sunny days, and under the tarp on rainy ones to avoid a fire hazard. The duel burner is fairly small and fits snugly into one of the cabinet shelves below, but I guess I could switch to a single and save a few inches. She's already outfitted with a VHF, compass, and depth sounder which is nice (although the Simrad does have a more advanced fishfinder which may be worth installing). Food and water provisionings might be tight considering the limited amount of storage, but I will have a speargun and fishing rod on board to at least supply a few meals. If I ever run slim I shouldn't ever be more than a day sail from a port where I can buy supplies.

I know there are challenges to living on such a small vessel but life on the ocean has always called to me and I feel this is a great way to get started while I'm still young.
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Old 24-11-2019, 10:56   #11
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

-I have used a bucket. It really has no advantage over a porta potti and is a bit of a PITA. Just put that where you would put the bucket maybe? There are also very small porta potti's as well as bigger ones.
-There are good coolers that ice will stay better in. Get a good one if you can. Another option is the 12V Engle, they dont draw much.
-Boom tent a good idea.
-A small propane camping stove will be very nice. They are cheap. Cook in the cockpit. Cooking with alcohol takes forever.
-A second anchor and a long line to take ashore. maybe 200 feet of poly floating line.
"I spent most of my money on Booze, Broads and Boats. The rest I wasted" - Elmore Leonard

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Old 24-11-2019, 11:15   #12
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

Originally Posted by Cheechako View Post
-I have used a bucket. It really has no advantage over a porta potti and is a bit of a PITA. Just put that where you would put the bucket maybe? There are also very small porta potti's as well as bigger ones.
-There are good coolers that ice will stay better in. Get a good one if you can. Another option is the 12V Engle, they dont draw much.
-Boom tent a good idea.
-A small propane camping stove will be very nice. They are cheap. Cook in the cockpit. Cooking with alcohol takes forever.
-A second anchor and a long line to take ashore. maybe 200 feet of poly floating line.
A five gal. bucket lined with a plastic bag is easier to dispose of than a port a potti's affluence, once ashore.
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Old 24-11-2019, 11:15   #13
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

I have a Flicka 20 so a lot of the problems you are encountering apply to the Flicka as well. I just re-read "Kawabunga's South Seas Adventure by Charles Dewell. He and his wife purchased an older Flicka and outfitted it for cruising. In the book he spends a lot of time talking about what he considered necessary and how he stowed it. He even has a list of tools, provisions, water, charts, clothing, spare parts, safety equipment etc. He lived aboard the Kawabunga for a year and cruised both solo and with his wife. In the book Dewell lets you know how he feels. He shares both the good and the bad. Cruising is of course different from inland sailing but it's a very interesting read.

If you plan of visiting other harbors I would take a bicycle so you could explore the new area. You could break down a regular bike or buy a used folder. I just wrap the parts in an old blanket if stowed down below. For short trips you could have a bike rack on the stern. I've never seen this but if it is securely tied down it could work well. Of course it would be subject to water but you get the bike drenched if carrying it on the back of a car in a rain storm, so what's the difference.

A big problem for me is the dingy. I have an Achilles inflatable with a high pressure air floor. It rolls up pretty well but it takes up a lot of room. It can be towed when in inland waters but if going off-shore it should be stowed. To me that's the biggest problem with a 20 or 21 foot boat.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Best of luck.

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Old 24-11-2019, 11:17   #14
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

I would suggest a set of tools in a watertight box (WallyWorld sells a bright orange "ammo can" style box with a rubber sealing lid. I have one in my 22' O'day, my buddy has one in his 23' San Juan). I bought a set of floating screwdrivers and pliers, cuz, well, regular tools sink when they get dropped... I try not to use my vise-grips near the edge. I keep repair extras in this box (ss nut & bolt kit, cotter pins, rivets, ss wire....etc).
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Old 24-11-2019, 11:30   #15
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Re: 21ft Sailboat - How to Manage Living?

Originally Posted by Cadence View Post
A five gal. bucket lined with a plastic bag is easier to dispose of than a port a potti's affluence, once ashore.
Really? You just dump a porta potty base or a bucket in the toilet. What do you do with a crap and urine filled bag?
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