10-09-2018, 17:06
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Sailing Southern California to Florida
My husband and I are dreaming of taking a year off in about three years to sail from LA to the East Coast. I’m a teacher so I would be off from June one year until the following July. If we were to leave in early November south down to Cabo, transit Panama January/February, what could our itinerary look like in the Caribbean? I’m much more familiar with the West Coast and Mexico’s- but time and weather wise, would heading north from the canal be reasonable to get to Florida by - say - May? Could we go further up the coast through the ICW?
We are reasonably experienced sailors, own a Cal 34 - which we plan to completely refurbish - and plan to sail as much as possible before then. We might also buy a bigger boat, but we do love our Cal. Our two little girls would be with us as well - they would be 7 and 12.
Any thoughts on where to and timing from Panama would be much appreciated.
10-09-2018, 17:48
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
If done in one go, the 1200 miles from Panama to Miami via the Windward Passage would likely be the longest, roughest part of the entire trip from California. But it can be done.
You don't really say... are you planning on cruising the Caribbean, stopping and visiting places along the way? Or are you pushing straight through to Florida? Jamaica and Cuba are on the direct route. Other, longer, options are available if you take the eastern end of Cuba.
If you do not have a copy of "World Cruising Routes" you should. The chapter on the issues involved in getting north from Panama is worth the price of admission.
10-09-2018, 17:52
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
I don't think you can do it in just one year. We got below 10 deg by hurricane season and stayed in Bocas del Toro until the end of hurricane season.
10-09-2018, 18:47
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
Can't comment on the Pacific side of the trip but have done a good bit of sailing in the Caribbean including Panama to FL in the winter and that can be rough. It can be done and I've done it but if you hit a winter with strong trades you won't forget the sail.
So a lot of the answer will depend on how you want to do that part and where you want to go. If you want to do the eastern Caribbean IE the Windward and Leeward Islands it is a long tough beat against the wind. Trying to coastal hop from Panama east could be a problem due to serious crime problems in Venezuela.
If you only want to see the western Caribbean you can pick your weather and work your way north up the Central American coast then pick your route to FL; through the Yucatan Channel and across the Gulf of Mexico or maybe stop over in Jamaica and through the Windward. The Windward route would allow you to see the Bahamas which would be a shame to miss after coming all this way.
Once you reach FL you can certainly go farther north up the ICW. That will depend on your schedule and time available. I didn't see mention of the return trip. Do you plan to leave the boat here or sail back to CA?
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10-09-2018, 20:28
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
You never meet boats that move down the west coast that fast. Even if you follow the HaHa you spend Xmas in Mazatlan or PV at best. I think many boats get to maybe 12 deg N, which is CR and then slow down. It's mostly motoring anyway. A number of boats only get as far as EL Salvador before June. You have all summer to get through the canal and up to maybe Bocas at about 10 deg N and wait for December. You really can't fudge on storm season in that area of the Caribbean in November.
You may need 18 months for this trip.
10-09-2018, 20:38
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
Originally Posted by skipmac
Can't comment on the Pacific side of the trip but have done a good bit of sailing in the Caribbean including Panama to FL in the winter and that can be rough. It can be done and I've done it but if you hit a winter with strong trades you won't forget the sail.
So a lot of the answer will depend on how you want to do that part and where you want to go. If you want to do the eastern Caribbean IE the Windward and Leeward Islands it is a long tough beat against the wind. Trying to coastal hop from Panama east could be a problem due to serious crime problems in Venezuela.
If you only want to see the western Caribbean you can pick your weather and work your way north up the Central American coast then pick your route to FL; through the Yucatan Channel and across the Gulf of Mexico or maybe stop over in Jamaica and through the Windward. The Windward route would allow you to see the Bahamas which would be a shame to miss after coming all this way.
Once you reach FL you can certainly go farther north up the ICW. That will depend on your schedule and time available. I didn't see mention of the return trip. Do you plan to leave the boat here or sail back to CA?
Thank you everyone for this advice. I think at the end of the trip the plan would be to park the boat on the hard and either sell it or then somehow(?) return it - possibly the following year - possibly shipping it overland from Texas if necessary.
Ideally we would want to enjoy some down time cruising, but also keeping in mind that we need to be back by the following summer.
Do you think sailing the Central American coast north to the Yucatán and on to Cuba and Florida would be doable from about February to May/Jun?
Definitely will get myself some proper cruising guides. I have the Pat Rains’ one ls for the West Coast of Mexico - and I need to get the Caribbean one now.
We are really trying to maximize our possible sailing with the year’s leave of absence I can take. Part of me thinks just staying in Mexico would be great - but the Caribbean would be fantastic too...
Lots of time to figure it all out. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
11-09-2018, 11:15
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
I chose to take the land route from San Diego to Galveston, Tx, for several reasons.
- Considrration of not many harbors along Mexico western shoreline between San Diego and current reality of drug cartel issues real or imagined
- The advise to plan for one dollar for every lm of cruising for unplanned things... lost dink, outboard fell off, mechanical issues, boat damage in storms/ docking mishaps by you/ other boats w/ no insurance,...
- You get ‘free’ mast pull-out/ ability to replace/ update nav lights (with LED), VHF antenna/ coax, replace up-grade wind instruments, inspect rigging,...
- Cost to transport out 46 Cal ketch was $6,000 with mast pulls/ re-install included.
- Didn’t feal chested not having the Panama Canal experience, as focused on main goal of Caribbean cruising.
We would do same decision all over again. Caribbean has more than enough variety of cruising, islands, languages and customs,... safer, and yes, allowed more time to go up the Atlantic ICW .
Also allowed easier access to any needed temporary exit for family emergencies.
11-09-2018, 13:18
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
Go to YouTube and search for Adventure Adrift. Subscribe and click the bell. This couple bought a boat in the PNW and sailed down as far as Guatemala they spent well over a year cruising the West Coast of Mexico and in the sea of Cortez and visiting many wonderful Islands offshore. They stopped at most of the important towns and are now searching for a larger boat. Binge-watch their stories you will learn so much and you may discover that you are not at all interested in transiting the canal or visiting the Caribbean and the Bahamas, and can easily spend your whole year enjoying the West Coast of Mexico. Being comfortable with the Mexican language would be a plus.
11-09-2018, 13:59
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
Originally Posted by AZ-Oldguy
Go to YouTube and search for Adventure Adrift. Subscribe and click the bell. This couple bought a boat in the PNW and sailed down as far as Guatemala they spent well over a year cruising the West Coast of Mexico and in the sea of Cortez and visiting many wonderful Islands offshore. They stopped at most of the important towns and are now searching for a larger boat. Binge-watch their stories you will learn so much and you may discover that you are not at all interested in transiting the canal or visiting the Caribbean and the Bahamas, and can easily spend your whole year enjoying the West Coast of Mexico. Being comfortable with the Mexican language would be a plus.
Yes! I have actually watched all of regular channel - it is fascinating - really interesting couple!! Thank you.
11-09-2018, 14:00
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
Originally Posted by W3GAC
I chose to take the land route from San Diego to Galveston, Tx, for several reasons.
- Considrration of not many harbors along Mexico western shoreline between San Diego and current reality of drug cartel issues real or imagined
- The advise to plan for one dollar for every lm of cruising for unplanned things... lost dink, outboard fell off, mechanical issues, boat damage in storms/ docking mishaps by you/ other boats w/ no insurance,...
- You get ‘free’ mast pull-out/ ability to replace/ update nav lights (with LED), VHF antenna/ coax, replace up-grade wind instruments, inspect rigging,...
- Cost to transport out 46 Cal ketch was $6,000 with mast pulls/ re-install included.
- Didn’t feal chested not having the Panama Canal experience, as focused on main goal of Caribbean cruising.
We would do same decision all over again. Caribbean has more than enough variety of cruising, islands, languages and customs,... safer, and yes, allowed more time to go up the Atlantic ICW .
Also allowed easier access to any needed temporary exit for family emergencies.
This is a really interesting option that i hadn’t really considered. Nice to see an approximate price tag too. Thank you!
11-09-2018, 14:43
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
A year is a quick trip if you want a cruise and not strictly a delivery. It's definately doable as long as you are willing to sail/motor past places and pick fewer places to stop and enjoy. Here's a rushed straw man scenario.
Nov San Diego to La Paz
Fix the boat
Dec to Banderous Bay
then onto Hualtulco.
Exit Mexico from Costa Rico in early Jan, possible stop at Bahia del Sol, El Salvador.
Onto to Bahia Santa Elena, CR, then Golfito
Feb to Panama, fix tbe boat and a North bound Canal transit.
East to the San Blas islands.
Now you have get out of Panama and it's still peak tradewind season. The trades don't lay down till end of April, early May. So you could head north to the Caymans on a raucous passage that will be memorable. Or you could head further east to Cartegena and hang there till the trades lighten up, or do the same hanging in Panama.
Apr/May to the Caymans. Then possibly Cuba, or just a run up the Yucatan peninsula to Key West.
Get out of Fla as the hurricane season starts in June.
Up the ICW and outside to the Chesapeake and lay the boat up on the hard in Deltaville, Va mid-summer.
Following summer cruise up the Chesapeake, out the C&D Canal up to New York and anchor near the Statue of Liberty.
Then up Long Island Sound making jt that summer up and back to Maine.
OK, I got carried away there. The first half of the trip was exhausting enough.
11-09-2018, 16:18
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
We did the trip a few years back on a Mariner 31.
Left San Diego Nov 2014, stopped in Greenport, NY in Aug 2015. We're not retired, so we didn't laze around too much because we wanted to get back to the rat race
I blogged most of it except the Cuba Part (paranoia due to job-security stuff).
Jumble Ventures
10 months felt like plenty for me. Not sure how people stretch it out. We got to Key West in May, heading north along the East Coast in June/July is divine once the SW winds fill in. Had some of the easiest sailing of the trip FL to NC. Screw the ICW that time of year.
11-09-2018, 16:30
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
Originally Posted by atmartin
We did the trip a few years back on a Mariner 31.
Left San Diego Nov 2014, stopped in Greenport, NY in Aug 2015. We're not retired, so we didn't laze around too much because we wanted to get back to the rat race
I blogged most of it except the Cuba Part (paranoia due to job-security stuff).
Jumble Ventures
10 months felt like plenty for me. Not sure how people stretch it out. We got to Key West in May, heading north along the East Coast in June/July is divine once the SW winds fill in. Had some of the easiest sailing of the trip FL to NC. Screw the ICW that time of year.
Awesome! Thank you - I will check out your blog.
11-09-2018, 16:32
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
Originally Posted by Paul L
A year is a quick trip if you want a cruise and not strictly a delivery. It's definately doable as long as you are willing to sail/motor past places and pick fewer places to stop and enjoy. Here's a rushed straw man scenario.
Nov San Diego to La Paz
Fix the boat
Dec to Banderous Bay
then onto Hualtulco.
Exit Mexico from Costa Rico in early Jan, possible stop at Bahia del Sol, El Salvador.
Onto to Bahia Santa Elena, CR, then Golfito
Feb to Panama, fix tbe boat and a North bound Canal transit.
East to the San Blas islands.
Now you have get out of Panama and it's still peak tradewind season. The trades don't lay down till end of April, early May. So you could head north to the Caymans on a raucous passage that will be memorable. Or you could head further east to Cartegena and hang there till the trades lighten up, or do the same hanging in Panama.
Apr/May to the Caymans. Then possibly Cuba, or just a run up the Yucatan peninsula to Key West.
Get out of Fla as the hurricane season starts in June.
Up the ICW and outside to the Chesapeake and lay the boat up on the hard in Deltaville, Va mid-summer.
Following summer cruise up the Chesapeake, out the C&D Canal up to New York and anchor near the Statue of Liberty.
Then up Long Island Sound making jt that summer up and back to Maine.
OK, I got carried away there. The first half of the trip was exhausting enough.
Good info - thank you!
11-09-2018, 18:22
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Re: Sailing Southern California to Florida
10 months felt like plenty for me. Not sure how people stretch it out.
One way is to anchor maybe 35 times along the coast of MX alone. Another 30 or so in Costa Rica and Panama. All these places are in the guide books too. This is cruising for some people.
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