You should be OK at that time. Just be ready for the cold from about day 5 on. Expect 20 - 30 knots.
I'll second that! You start off in shorts and nothing else and end up in woolies. I ended my last watch coming into Puget Sound on the helm in woolies, foulies and standing in my sleeping bag.
I've search for hours, but no one seems to have any information on sailing from Hawaii to US/Mexico, or Hawaii to the South Pacific.
I am curious as to know what the best months are to travel from Hawaii to either the North/South American west coast or the South Pacific (NZ, Australia, Etc.).
If you have the time and inclination there is an easy way, but? USE the trades from Hawaii, I too have been compiling lists of different return. Last year while in Hilo, one sailor told me about a method he found in the old version of pilot charts from 1937-1942, sail the trades to Majuro or near by. [Taken from early trades routes and whalers] from there the trades can take you all around the top circle - But it’s a long ass way to go. But again its almost a dead run all the way, He has a 25 foot Cape Dorycutter and uses twins almost 90%, all the time, he self steers, using no vane or electronics. Once I had a wind vane I never went back. Most of the real reference books are out of date and the only one left is Cornell. Cornell is great but its bias to diesel. So if you are low power or engineless you have to plan very carefully.
hope that helps