Heading south from Marina Chiapas, there's Puerto Quetzal in
Guatemala, pretty much the only Guatemalan port on the Pacific. No one I know has gone in there--it's a small port and expensive. I'd say
emergency only.
El Salvador has two
ports before Fonseca. Bahia del Sol was recently the topic of a long thread on its dangers. Barillas has a similar, though less dangerous, bar. Still, long approach for indeifferent reward.
In Fonseca, there's plenty of good stops. Meanguera has a lovely sheltered anchorage, Isla de Tigre is worth a visit. There's access, by your own boat or
water taxi, to
shopping in La Union, and San Lorenzo is also worth a stop.
Nicaragua, Corinto is a viable stop, though crime- and corruption-ridden. There was a place just north of there, and there's another bay just before Costa Rica where surfers go, so not sure how great the
anchoring is.
In Costa Rica there's all sorts of gunkholing: from Santa Elena in the north all the way to Golfito, you can pretty much day-sail the coast with anchorages--often rolly, nearly every night. Only occasionally will you have to do a multi-day. The
marinas and
fuel are blisteringly expensive, but
anchoring is always free....