I posted this yesterday to zero responses so I've decided to try again.
I'm shocked and pleased my teenage son and a friend want to take me up on a Trip to go sail the Keys in about a month. I have a Skimmer 25 which I think will be a great
boat for trailering down there and doing some short day
sails, swimming and snorkeling. If not familiar with the
boat it's Sharpie, Gaff rigged, and only draws 14" with board up.
Rudder design even allows for beaching it should you choose.
I've looked online and found a couple of sample itineraries, but I'm wondering if some of you might have some
advice on where I look for info so we can have a bit of a plan before we go? The ones I printed (1 lower keys 1 upper) average about 25 -30 day
sails most days. These are impatient teens and my gut tells me if I can cut it back to about half that most days it will allow them more time to get away from me some if I'm anchored where they can have some space. With the
draft of my boat I really don't need the
inflatable I have, but I think they will like having it to go do some exploring just the two of them. It will also come in handy going ashore at night for dinner a few nights.
I'm excited they want to do it, but at least compared to they way I usually plan, I'm doing this last minute. We will have 800 to
trailer down there from central AL.
Thoughts and pointers much appreciated!