We are southbound on the ICW, hopefully leaving Charleston soon. Does anyone know if Bridge clearances have been reduced by increased water levels from storm surge between Charleston and Hilton Head. We need 641/2' for the mast to clear. We'd appreciate any information.
I am in Oriental, NC and the water is up about 3-4' from MSL. This part of the Neuse River always gets high water in a north/northeast wind.
I would expect Charleston harbor surge to be up at least 2' as the harbor is wide open to the sea and the water in the ICW north and south will go up accordingly.
So I think you need to stay put for another day at least.
I'm in Charleston City Marina. I can see the tide board at the Ashley River Bridge and this morning, at high tide, it read 54 ft. So that is about 2 ft above normal high-water level.
Yesterday afternoon though at low tide, it showed around 57 ft, so 1ft more clearance than its 'official' clearance.
I also require 64.5 ft and think it'll be safe to go on Tuesday afternoon's low tide but I will be checking carefully!