13-11-2012, 20:31
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by thiago1979
Firearm license is easy to attain, specially if you already had one. The way I see it there's risk in everything! You just have to protect yourself as much as you can, in that I see no wrong. I am confident as far as my fighting skills are, but you cannot go against a AK47 and expect to have your boat back or your own life. What's mine "I earned it, and paid for it" and so I have the right to protect it. Most of the Americas have no problems with Pirates, but the Eastern do have lots of it.
I don't think you quite understand. The authorities in another country could care less about gun permits from your home country. What they care about are the laws in their country where you're visiting, and in most of them guns are very illegal, especially hand guns and assault rifles.
Showing up with a gun, especially not declaring a gun and getting caught, may put you in a very nasty, dirty, third world dungeon. The drunk tank in a big US city on Saturday night would look like a mansion in comparison.
Don't even ask about Miranda rights, personal rights, civil rights, what have you. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, no phone call, no lawyer, go directly to jail.
The water is always bluer on the other side of the ocean.
Sometimes it's necessary to state the obvious for the benefit of the oblivious.
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13-11-2012, 21:23
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by carstenb
Hell Don,
this started with wanting advice on what boat to buy and how to learn to sail. Now we're on guns. Stick around, we still have to go through the discussion regarding what anchor he needs and (shudder at the thought) - Hunters
Bound to be entertaining. Think we can just copy of couple of the endless amount of threads on these topics and paste 'em in? That way we don't have to type everything one more time.
This might have better been posted in the joke thread, but here goes:
The prisoners serving life sentences were sitting around telling jokes and one of them hollered, "47!"
Everybody hooted and hollered.
Next guy yelled out "72!"
Everybody hooted and hollered again.
The new guy who hadn't been in prison very long, but wanted to fit in, thought he had the system figured out, so he hollered "56!"
Finally he asked, "How come nobody laughed?"
After a minute or so, one guy said, "It's not what joke you told, it's HOW you told it."
'You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
Mae West
13-11-2012, 21:42
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by carstenb
Enjoy your time in jail. Most countries take an extremely dim view of cruisers with firearms.
Even a very pistol can get them hot and bothered, although if you have a weapons permit for it from your own country AND declare it when you arrive, they will usually allow it. Some might "hold" it until you sail again.
Perhaps you may be right Castenb. I will give it some thought. Thanks for you comment!
13-11-2012, 21:46
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by carstenb
Hell Don,
this started with wanting advice on what boat to buy and how to learn to sail. Now we're on guns. Stick around, we still have to go through the discussion regarding what anchor he needs and (shudder at the thought) - Hunters
Bound to be entertaining. Think we can just copy of couple of the endless amount of threads on these topics and paste 'em in? That way we don't have to type everything one more time.
Well I did stated in the beginning what questions I had in mind.
1. What is a good Offshore Sailboat? (12-24k, 30 to 32 Feet)
2. What's the best way to get used to Motion Sickness? (How Long)
3. Where do I start to look to buy a Sailboat?
4. When is the best time to Sail from Miami to Tobago?
5. How much is the usual fees to stop and get gas?
6. What documents do I need for International waters?
7. Can I register my Sailboat in another Country?
8. Can you carry a Rifle to protect yourself in International water?
13-11-2012, 21:53
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by Don Lucas
WOW! I haven't been following this thread and just went to the end to see how it may have evolved.
I see we have gone from answering a sailing question from someone who didn't know about sailing, to a gun thread. WTF 
Don feel free to leave the thread. I have been respectful to your criticism, but now you are just pulling my leg. Read the begging of the thread! and please leave. Thank you. . .
1. What is a good Offshore Sailboat? (12-24k, 30 to 32 Feet)
2. What's the best way to get used to Motion Sickness? (How Long)
3. Where do I start to look to buy a Sailboat?
4. When is the best time to Sail from Miami to Tobago?
5. How much is the usual fees to stop and get gas?
6. What documents do I need for International waters?
7. Can I register my Sailboat in another Country?
8. Can you carry a Rifle to protect yourself in International water?
13-11-2012, 21:57
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by carstenb
Hell Don,
this started with wanting advice on what boat to buy and how to learn to sail. Now we're on guns. Stick around, we still have to go through the discussion regarding what anchor he needs and (shudder at the thought) - Hunters
Bound to be entertaining. Think we can just copy of couple of the endless amount of threads on these topics and paste 'em in? That way we don't have to type everything one more time.
Please DO, that way I have most of the answers that were asked in the first time. Thanks for you help.
13-11-2012, 21:59
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by carstenb
yeah I know. But I sometimes get so tired..................
If you are tired, feel free to leave the thread! All you have to do is Unsubscribe.
13-11-2012, 22:10
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by skipmac
I don't think you quite understand. The authorities in another country could care less about gun permits from your home country. What they care about are the laws in their country where you're visiting, and in most of them guns are very illegal, especially hand guns and assault rifles.
Showing up with a gun, especially not declaring a gun and getting caught, may put you in a very nasty, dirty, third world dungeon. The drunk tank in a big US city on Saturday night would look like a mansion in comparison.
Don't even ask about Miranda rights, personal rights, civil rights, what have you. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, no phone call, no lawyer, go directly to jail.
Skipmac I think you are right on these aspects. There are 2 sides of a coin, my worries were the same as those who pass by Pirate territory. Too bad I like guns. Thanks for your reply!
14-11-2012, 01:03

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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
You might not know what at VERY pistol is. It is not a gun per se, but a pistol type device used for launching emergency flares. Because it looks like a large pistol and because it can be aimed (albeit not terribly accurately), it is classified as a gun by most authorities. This means you do need a weapons permit in most countries.
As I noted above, IF you have a bona fide permit, and IF you declare your VERY pistol when entering, you MIGHT be allowed to hang on to it. Some places it will be "held" by the authorities until you leave their waters.
As Skipmac said - think of the dirtiest nastiest stinking dungeon filled with really really nasty criminal types and think of authorities that have never heard of miranda rights and legal systems that have more or less only two punishments - life in prison (they do mean life) or the death penalty. DO NOT carry a gun.
The rest of your questions can be found in hundreds of threads here.
1- The best off-shore boat for under 25K - tough to find one in this price range. You might find the boat, but getting it ready for cruising will cost at least as much as the boat
2-Take Dramamine at least 24 hours before you leave. Keep taking it for at least three days
3- Craigs list, go to a large marina and look at the clubhouse bulletin board. Check the internet sites
4- I don't sail the carribean, but someone here can answer this
5- Generally you only need to pay for the gas - no extra fees
6- Passport, ownership of the boat papers, insurance, VHF permit (if you have one), crew list (and all their papers), Visa?
7- Yes you can register you boat in some other countries (why would you want to?)
8- You can have all the guns you want in international waters. Just throw them overboard before you sail into other territorial waters
So all your questions answered (except best time to sail)
Our books have gotten 5 star reviews on Amazon. Several readers have written "I never thought I would go on a circumnavigation, but when I read these books, I was right there in the cockpit with Vinni and Carsten"
14-11-2012, 04:17
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Wonder why folks are so resistant to use the search function? A couple of the OP's questions are legit and would have gotten serious answers. Throw them all together and this is what happens. Moreover, our answers are apparently the initial info the OP has garnered, soon to be forgotten or superceded by the first time OP runs into a sailor in a bar. So what's the point?
But here's my take anyway: Buy a daysailer for cheap. learn to sail. Want a name? Catalina 22. Save money. Read books. Start crewing for others whenever you can. Save money. You'll begin to run into deals, some real. As experience grows, you'll begin to know the difference. Whatever you decide to do about firearms/drugs/holding tank emptying, do it and don't discuss it with anyone. When you need a line for a specific purpose, use the search function. Please don't buy a waterski tope and tell everyone why you think it's better for halyards or docklines. When you find an anchor that works for you, don't go on a forum and tell people how great it is. Have a little humility.
Welcome to the forum. Happiness is based on self-reliance.
14-11-2012, 04:25
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
I would drop thinking about a firearm. Maybe do what some South Africans did to prevent carjacking? South African Car Flamethrower - YouTube
14-11-2012, 04:28
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by thiago1979
Don feel free to leave the thread. I have been respectful to your criticism, but now you are just pulling my leg. Read the begging of the thread! and please leave. Thank you. . .
You though that was criticism? It was a statement.
But you are correct in that there really isn't any reason for me to read this thread. Thanks for pointing it out.
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
14-11-2012, 04:51
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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Originally Posted by thiago1979
If you are tired, feel free to leave the thread! All you have to do is Unsubscribe.
Hey Thiago,
You started this thread, but you do NOT own it.
As in any forum (or any open discussion) - you get a mixture of information and opinions. We all do. Get used to.
Exercise patience and discourse skills here and you will have fewer adventures sailing places*
(*) Never try the 'unsubscribe!' attitude with Customs, Immigration, Health, Harbourmaster, Marina Office, Guardia Civil, Aduana, Policia Fiscal, Local Fishermen, Locally Established World Hobos, Air France ...
I hope you are getting my drift.
14-11-2012, 05:47
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Thread drift is just the conversational equivalent of weather.
14-11-2012, 10:53

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Re: I know nothing of Sailing Can someone be so kind to HELP me please!
Hey B
Air france can be a bitch. When you're right and they know it, all of a sudden they realize they cannot speak english
Our books have gotten 5 star reviews on Amazon. Several readers have written "I never thought I would go on a circumnavigation, but when I read these books, I was right there in the cockpit with Vinni and Carsten"
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