i m planning to sail from rio dulce guatemala to trinidad and tobago this winter. what are the right directions assuming that generally speaking the wind will be against me?
It can be done, but thats a long slog against prevailing Trades. Most I know who've signed up for this masochistic route did it on short hops...and then said never again.
Personally, I would go with a route like chuckr took, get far enough NE to then sail down to Trinidad.
I know there are members here who have done this, hopefully they will chime in.
well it is a chance to practice my masochistic side... i understand than that the best thing would be to as far nirth as cuba and than along cuba s southern coast to virgin iland (if possible) and if not - to jamaica and the sothern antilles
Well, simply...don't. Sail Northerly across to the BVIs and then take the sleigh ride south...save time, fuel patience and energy. The direct route is worse than heading North along the West Coast of the U.S. from San Diego to Seattle...much worse!