19-12-2007, 19:22
Registered User
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Stuart, FL & Bahamas Cruising
Boat: Lagoon 37
Posts: 880
Coast Guard Radio Conversation LMAO
12/19/07 N29 53.938 W81 17.443
Cape Francis, Fl (St. Augustine).
We have a couple of beautiful days of sailing and motor sailing. The conditions have been nice for comfort, but shy on speed. The winds have only been 5-10 knots and the 2-3 ft. seas have been just behind the beam, so it has been a very comfortable ride.
Last night when we pulled into Cumberland Island we were greeted by a group of the wild horses and a pod of dolphin. What a greeting from the locals!!!!!!!!!! The night before we had stayed at Jekyll Harbor and I decided to come outside using Jekyll Inlet. What a mistake, it was on a falling tide so there was a standing wave. It is narrow with breakers and shoals. I won’t do that again!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and I almost forgot being boarded by the Coast Guard for an inspection, which we passed with flying colors!!!!!!!
Today I heard a great radio conversation between the Coast Guard and a shrimper. The set up is: all day the CG had been broadcasting a report of a vessel on fire. Finally the following conversation was heard
CG helicopter pilot: “fishing vessel directly below me!
Shrimp boat captain: “this is the “A.L Minikin” sir, how can I help you
CG pilot: “Captain is your vessel all right?”
Shrimp Boat: “Yes sir, why do you ask sir?”
CG pilot: “Your vessel was reported to be on fire!”
Shrimp Boat: “Oh no sir, all is well, she just smokes a bit! All though she don’t seem to be smoking as bad as usual, you should see her on those days!!!!!!!
CG pilot; “So all is well?”
Shrimp boat: “Yes sir, you mean all them reports all day were about me? If I’dve known I would have called somebody. You kinda scared us when you hovered right over us. I sure am sorry for everybody’s concern, but we ain’t on fire!!! Sorry for the smoke, but the engines are a little old!!!!!!!!
When the pilot reported his finding to the base he did kind of chuckle, when he reported the vessel usually smokes worse than it was today!! LMAO