Perfectly do-able in the summer with highs lying over the Bight rather than over the continent and giving you either easterlies or 'glass'.
head of the Bight is about 2 degrees of latitude north of Syney, NSW.
When you tie up at the Fremantle Sailing Club you will get a week's free
mooring and be told that you are the first person every to have done that crossing - Both of the two crews I actually know who have done it were told that.... one used
charts I had lent them and started out from Strahan, Tas
Apart from Easterlies you will often get a bit of west going
I note the comment by Nine of Cups re their
anchor.... I have been given to understand that a Swarbrick or similar is the
anchor of choice in these waters.
Note.... before becoming a full time Bass Strait Cowboy in the late 80's I spent from '74 to '79 running across the Bight in the day job .. first with sugar from Qland to the west and then with Alcoa running from Kwinana to Point Henry in Port Phillip so got to know the Bight fairly well. Westbound all seasons we would head up either close south of Kangaroo Island or -in
winter - through Backstairs Passage until we were in the latitude of Albany, WA., and then head due west. The difference between the
weather up there and the
weather coming back east on a GC was remarkable.
So, yes, quite do-able in the right season.....