11-09-2011, 00:17
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Perth WA
Boat: Grainger, Chincogan,41
Posts: 28
Cairns to Perth Part 1
Hi I am Matt and I'm 14 and I travelled from Carins to Perth on our new cat SV Kinetic Energy with Dad and our friends, later in the trip Mum Joins us in Part 2 from Broome. This is my account of the trip. Hope you enjoy
06July2011 – 08July2011
Perth to Cairns Course 030 Speed 6 Knots Wind 317 knots South East
Were leaving from Perth at around 10:00 and arriving in cairns at 4:15 I’m unhappy about leaving my mates especially disappointed about leaving my pets , but mum said if I go early with dad it will make him happy and I really don’t want to disappoint my dad. . Dad is so excited he wont shut up he’s been on count down for 112 days I’m happy for him. Saying bye to my mum was the hardest thing I have done in years I’m really going to miss her. The plane ride over here wasn’t that bad I got some sleep and watched a good movie.
When we got to the rental car there was no key hole there was button that you had to press to start the car. As we got to the boat I was shocked it was so big and I had my own room but when we walked threw the doors I went straight to sleep u cant blame me it was 4 in the morning. Dad had to make me got out off bed at 9:00 so we could go into town and get all of our stuff dad took me to BCF and brought me all this fishing gear as we left back to the boat I saw a big crocodile in the river it was cool. When I got on the boat I was so excited and I accidently banged something dad got really angry at me he said I’m never courteous he’s properly right. I set up my knew fishing rod off the back of the boat but I’m a bit in patent for fishing so after 10 min I got really board and as I was about to give up I got a fish I did not realise how much it hurt if they bight you.
Pack away all the food.
Watered the boat
09July2011 in cairns
16 48’.197S
145 42’.521E Course 030 Speed 6 Knots Wind 317 knots South East
I woke up at 6:00 I went with my dads two friends when they went to check there crab nets and hoped to see a crocodile or two when we got back we were waiting on the man who owns the Warf we were on. to tells us we can go now. Ass we were leaving we saw a crocodile about ass big ass my leg. When we got out into the open ocean it rough and I was desperate to cast my fishing line out the back but because we were in the great barer reef we had to check if we were in legal or illegal fishing zones . but soon enough I casted my line out the back and about an hour later I caught a fish about as big as me it was really cool and 10 minutes later we hook another one .
10July2011 Cairns to Cape Wessel
14 29’.167S
144 50’.562E Course 000 Speed 7.7 Knots Wind 22 knots South East
Course 288 Speed 7.8 Knots Wind 22 knots South East
Distanced Travelled in the past 24 hours 164 Nautical Miles
I didn’t get much sleep over night because its always windy and its not making this trip very fun and I’m always sleeping because I’m not getting much sleep. I have to learn more about sailing but I’m to tired and sick .
11July2011 Cairns to Cape Wessel
lat13.15.427 long143.38.833 Course 340 Speed 8.2 Knots Wind 20 knots South East
I’m not doing much because I’m to exhorted to really do any thing I think I’m disappointing dad but I really don’t have it in me to do much and it was really windy and the boat is throwing me around a lot it likes it has its own gravitational pull or something like that I saw some remote islands and stuff like that Dad told me that were growing pass places that are really cool but we cant see it because its to rough .
2July2011 Cairns to Cape Wessel
latitude 10.44.619
longitude 142.21.149
Course 216 Speed 5.7 Knots Wind 19 knots South East
Today we are on our way to the top off Australia pretty exciting dad said we were going to stop off there so we can have a break which I thought it would be cool that me and dad could cast a line . but dad said I we cant because were stoping some were closer to Darwin which means we can stop over night and I can get a descent night sleep.
13July2011 from Cairns to Cape Wessel
lat 1054.817
long 139 21.329
Course 266 Speed 5 Knots Wind 16 knots South East
Today we are sailing across the gulf it is tiring and I’m felling really sick and I’m really board so I have just watched some movies its really wavy so when I move around the cabin I stubbed my toe on something it sucks I saw my first sea snake he over day it was big. But I cant wait for tomorrow because we are going to stop and then I can get a decent night sleep .
At about 1215am We hit a fishing net at 8 knots, the boat really slowed down heaps and we thought that we were going to be caught up in it. The float was around the rudder and we couldn’t move it. As we were cutting it away the boat swung around and it drift off of it. We had to keep a very good look out for the rest of the passage to Cape Wessel
14July2011 At Anchor in Cape Wessel
latitude 11.04.552 longitude 136.43.899
Today I woke up and found that we were safely Anchored at Cape Wessel. I was happy I got a decent night sleep also that the boat was not rocking around everywhere. I was excited to go to shore but dad said we had to clean up though I was the only person who did. When we were heading out to shore dad said I was driving the Tender I was pumped for that .the sandy shore was funny your feet would sink really for down but it made the walk harder. As we were walking up the beach I was surprised about how much rubbish there was on the shore ass we were walking up the beach we saw a reel that You could walk on. Dad noticed a big claw a crab claw this thing was massive obesely dad wanted to catch it so we went up the beach looking for washed up rope and stuff like that and what would you know, we caught it. Me and dad wanted to go for a swim but as soon dad stepped one foot into the water a shark whet after him, it was funny. We decided to head over to the other island when it was low tide dad stepped a couple of steps into the water and I followed him we were mucking around but when we got out there was a meter and a half shark right behind us I think that’s a good warning not to go swimming after that we headed back to the boat dad decided to put the hand line out and see if he could catch a shark, soon enough he did he put up a fight.
15July2011 Cape Wessel (Two Island Bay) to North Goulburn Island
lat 11 18,857 long134 36,073 Course 253 Speed 9.5 Knots Wind 17 knots South East
Today we are heading off so we can do an over nighter which I do not like so I went into my cabin and watched a movie and slept, because when I sleep I don’t feel sick I saw some nice islands that we were passing which was cool. We met people from a boat called Mogo it was funny because we kept on running into them. There cat was bigger then ours.
16th July 2011 North Goulburn Island to Valenita Island lat 11 31 .016 long 123.23 699 Course 247 Speed 8.2 Knots Wind 19 knots South East
we are doing a another over nighter so for off the trip I don’t like it its boring and rough I’m really not having a good time right now not one bit once again I watch movies and sleep so board.
17th July2011 At Anchor in Valenita Island
Lat, 11 28 ,549
Long,133 23.818 Course 282 Speed 7 Knots Wind 18 knots South East
today after doing an all-nighter we are going to north Goulburn islands it took us about 4 hours to get there and we could not anchored at the place we were going to because it was to shallow so we went to a another beach it was smaller but just ass cool and it had a big rock that we were trying to climb but it was to hard the tied came in really quick . dad let me take the tender for a ride around that was cool and fast their wasn’t much to do after that so I settled down for the evening
From Mullet Bay to Port Essington
Pos: Lat 11 11 .932
Long 132 02.993 Course 264 Speed 5 Knots Wind 13 knots South East
Today we are leaving the beautiful mullet bay for port Essington I didn’t do much on the way there except for sleep and watched a movie but when we got there it took us a while to find a spot were we can Anchor when we were heading to the shore I was terrified of the water because off crocs and stuff when we got to shore I leapt out and away from the water .We had to walk about 200 meters to the ranger station but I was happy to stretch my legs. We got to the ranger station there as a aboriginal museum there it was cool later on dad managed to get me to go on a nature hike the man said it was 900m so we went on the walk it was fun we saw wallabies and lots of snake holes LOTS. We left to go back to the boat and to go to this hotel the ranger told us of a nice hotel across the bay that we could check out which sounds good as we got there and anchored we headed ashore there was a trail that wasn’t very lit and as we were walking dad grabbed me because there was a snake 2meters ahead of me so we got there had a couple of games of chest had a nice meal but I wouldn’t go there again. For just that stuff they charged us 300 dollars not again.
20July2011 At Anchor in Francis Bay Darwin
Lat 12 02.381
Long 131 10.561 Course 228 Speed 6.4 Knots Wind 13 knots South East
On arrival into Darwin we went to anchor at about 0500 and I awoke to see the Darwin Sky line. I was keen to get ashore and have a look around. So we completed our task of cleaning the boat and putting every away then we put the boat into the water and headed off to the Dina Beach Sailing Club as this was a safe place to leave the tender. The trip was long a we discuss the idea of moving a bit closer later. Yacht Club was old and looked a little run down but the people seem friendly. We caught a Taxi town and got our hire car. And yeah we had MacDonald’s for Breakfast. We went to the crocodile park which was very cool and I have learnt my lesson not to swim in this era we also saw lions monkeys and other animals . it was a fun but expensive day then we were looking threw all the warehouses to se if we could find things for the boat
On our tender ride back to the boat we decided that we should move a bit closer and I could show off my anchor skills. I was in charge of the windlass control this time without supervision. It was hard to see which way the anchor was moving but we got it up without a problem. Dad move Kinetic Energy up a bit closer to the yacht club but we found the water was to shallow to anchor as we Draw 1 meter and it was only 90 cm. We moved back out towards the Shipping Channel and we Pass Damojo, which was the 50ft Catana we meet back at Cape Wessel.
After I let the Anchor go in 1.3 meters of water. Dad and Damien took the washing ashore to be completed. I learnt tonight of the importance of putting the anchor light on, as I forgot to do so and no one could see our boat, not even Dad who couldn’t find us. Dad was way angry at me and explained that it could have cause and accident and I could have been hurt. I have now learnt from this mistake and now look forward to moving forward and putting way more effort in.
At Anchor in Darwin Harbour.
This morning we spent cleaning the boat an making sure that she is ready for the next leg of the trip. We polished all of the starboard side guardrails as Dad had done the Port Side whilst we were travelling. Next job is to wipe down all the Deck heads or the roof of the boat. Although we have been at sea for 11 days I am amazed how dirty the boat can get. Dad and I completed an oil change on our two Diesel to ensure that they are trouble free until the next change which will be home in Perth.
With all of the chores of being on a boat being complete it now allows us to do some of the cool things and go for a walk down Smith Street, which is the main street of Darwin. When we were walking threw the main street off Darwin we ran into the Mojo people. Then we when to the Mindal markets it was big but nothing I would bye was there. There was lots and lots of food I had crocodile on a stick it was rubbery I would not eat that again most of the stuff in the stores were for hippies and chilled people. After that we returned to boat just in time for the sun set .
At Anchor in Darwin Harbour.
This morning was taking Re fitting the wind gen and testing it.
Then we did our Food shopping which took up a lot of time.
After that we had Lunch at Nando’s it was good and filling
I Did the last of the washing which was good because I got to charge my laptop on shore power Yeah.
At 2100 we raised the anchor and went around to the floating fuelling wharf at a place called Cullen bay. Dad drove the boat alongside for the first time and he really did a great job. We then put 180 Ltrs of diesel in the boat for our trip to Broome. It is important to make sure that it was full as the only other place we can get fuel in the Kimberly’s will cost about $3.00 per ltr. We then move the boat backwards by and washed her down. The last job was to fill up the fresh water as there is no more water until Broome, She took about 540 ltrs to fill. While we were there the dock master came down and asked us if we intended to stay there as it was a $10000 fine to remained overnight we told him that we were leaving as soon as the boat was fuelled up.
At 2200 we were all complete and ready to leave, so now saying good bye to Darwin and informing Darwin Harbour that we were departing for Broome we are off for the next phase of our Journey.That morning I went on watch on my own I was really happy. when I was on watch dad was taking a nap after he finished his nap he relieved me off the duties which meant I could get a sleep in. I woke up at 11 o’clock and we were all up then. After my watch I had a big nap and when I woke up I went on watch again I was getting really exhausted and that really went on for the rest off the day and that’s why I hate doing over night sailing .
24th July 2011
King George River
Course 240 Speed 5.4 Knots Wind 10 knots South west
Lat 13 29. 54 Long 13 31 .99
This Morning I awoke to the sounds of the Starboard Diesel starting up when I went out side a found that I was at the mouth of the King George River. I found two dead Flying fish that had hit the boat during the passage last night. As we enter the gorge it was stunning it got up to 50meters high and 50meters deep. We saw really big and marvellous waterfalls they were huge. we think we spotted a crocodile but there is no way to be sure it took us a while to find a anchorage but we found one. There was nothing to do until after lunch. so I waited and after we had lunch we went on a hike it was cool we climbed up the big rock face it was a marvellous sight but we were heading towards were the water falls .was and were the waterholes were that means we could go for a swim yeah. we eventually found them and I was the first person in the water . me and dad followed the channel up far and it was cool but dad wanted to go back so when we got back so we headed back down the big rock face and I found it was harder going down then it was up. As we were heading back for the boat I we went to see if there were any crocodiles around but we couldn’t spot any so me and dad went for a fish it was scary because we were right under big rocks it was fun. After we haven’t caught any thing I thought we should head back to the boat by that time it was getting dark so we closed up for the night and watched a movie .
Me swimming in the river
The realy cool view =)
The water fall , it is about 40 meters high
25th July 2011 King George River to Cape Talbot
Lat 1353.41 Long 13 49.85 Course 330 Speed 8 Knots Wind 20 knots South west
This morning dad woke me up so I can raise the Anchor so we could go on the next phase of our trip. I kind of did it on my own but I made a mistake that I wont make again. As we were heading out king George river we saw a crocodile that was cool in a scary way. As soon as we got out of the river we put the main sail up and after that we were of the winds were with us so that was good but it was still very wavy. We arrived at our destination at about 4:00 o’clock at Cape Talbot. we had o good look around there was a river system about 40 meters behind the beach which had croc country written all over it dad kept on going up to it but I was telling him not to there was a hole reef thing when the tide went out dad thought there would be mud crabs in there but there wasn’t or none I could see after a good walk around it was getting dark so we headed back for the boat all I can say is what a day.
27th july2011 Parry Harbour to Prudhoe Island lat.1402.21 long.1406.30 Course 205 Speed 10 Knots Wind 8 knots South west this morning I woke up and dad and goody went to get the crab net or shark net the crab net had two sharks in it. 1 bull shark 1 reef shark and one baby mud crab. Soon after we let the sharks go we were getting ready to raise the Anchor for take off. I managed to bring the Anchor up all by my self I was proud. It took us about an hour to get out of the bay and an hour for us to find wind we it was dead so we dropped the main sail and put up the spinnaker which kept on needing to be moved. We put the line in and we hooked a shark which took our lurer. As we were approaching our next bay there were lots off rocks and turtle tracks. I Anchor all by my self which was cool and then we took off to the beach before the sun went down .
28th july2011 Prudhoe Island to Coronation Island
Course 330 Speed 8 Knots Wind 20 knots South west today I got a good sleep in because dad and goody raised the Anchor set off without waking me. When I woke up it was about half past 9 and it was really hot. We were getting no wind so we had to motor for a good 3 hours so we can reach our destination we did not go so good with our fishing we only caught baby fish as we pulled into our anchorage it was to shallow to Anchor so we went around to our next bay which was not that bad dad heard that there was an historic writing on a tree some were so we went to check it out and you couldn’t read it .Dad spotted a shark surfing the waves up the beach I went to see it but when it saw me it swam away.
29th july2011 Coronation Island to Wilson Point
Course 205 Speed 6.2 Knots Wind 7 knots South west Today was long because the wind was not with us we could not really use the sail. So we had to motor which I did not mind it means I could invert. Dad said he saw some whales and just as I walked out one giant one jumped 3 meters into the air it was really cool. Not long after that dad caught a spotted mackerel it wasn’t as big as mine but impressive it took us a while to get to the bay we were in at one point we weren’t even moving with both the motors running at nearly full power, there was a big world pool which was pulling the tide. As we entered the bay it took us a while to find some where to Anchor but we did and we used most of our chain as the tide difference was 6 meters.
30th july2011 Wilson Point to Yampi Sound lat, 15 34. 54 long, 15 36.98 Course 243 Speed 6.4 Knots Wind 7 knots South west Today I was woken up and we were already underway to the next point. The day was a relaxing day we saw heaps of whales one even was at about 50 meter and dolphins. We kept on hooking in sea weed on the rod. The bay we entered the bay it was really nice there was a mine on another island close by. There are big sand bays and we Anchored at a place call Silver Gull we went up the river and went to see the old people that lived up there the have a water tank that has a hole cut in the side so you can sit in there and look out over the river. The people that live there came about 15 years ago and decided to stay the area is known as the Squatters Arms, you could see there old yacht behind the mangroves laying on it’s side. They were featured on the TV Show Getaway. The tide goes out really far close to 10 meters .
31 July 2011 Yampi sound to overnight to Broome lat.1608.38 long,1238.92
Course 205 Speed 6.2 Knots Wind 7 knots South west this morning dad woke me up because he needed to check the motors and I needed to raise the Anchor it did not take that long because it was not far in the ground. When we were leaving we saw a mum wale but for a while we thought it was a log until it stated moving it was sleeping and its baby was next to it. As the day went on it was getting really hot so we filled up our cordial bottles. At about 5:00 we got internet reception and phone reception. And then our fishing lines went off and dad caught a fish as big as mine it was cool. There was so many wales we must of saw 30 wales today.
1st august2011 in Broome This morning I woke up in Broome it was really hot and I was really excited to see nan and pop and so I can stretch my legs on land. When nan and pop got to the beach they hanged around for a bit then we took off to the caravan park I have grown up in the park I would usually go there every July holidays for two weeks. After a couple of hours there I came back to the boat bye that time it was 5:00 o’clock. So I watched some TV and then went to bed at 12:00 am dad and his friend moved the boat so when the tide goes out the boat will be beached.
2nd august2011
This morning I woke up and the boat was beached it was cool just to walk under the boat the tide was coming in really quick so we had to get all the stuff done fast we scraped and cleaned under the boat painted the chain so we no how much has been let out instead off guessing. But when the tide came in we started to float and bye that time nan and pop piked me up so that was good. And I really just chilled for a while at the caravan park then we went to see captain America at the movies that was good after that nan drove me pack to the beach and then when I got back to the boat dad said we were going to have drinks at one of the boats from us. They are whale scientists and they are really interesting there boat costed 5 million dollars. They have a daughter that is 13 and she is really cool her name is taz and she is nice .
3rd august2011 in Broome This morning dad woke me up to eggs on toast Goody was leaving that day. When goody was dropped off at the airport dad collected fuel on the way back. I waited for dad to ring me on the boat so I can drive the dingy when I was going to the beach to pick him up the waves were pushing the boat around. When we got back to the boat refilled the boat with fuel and I went over to see tazz when I got back we started to clean the boat. Later that night they came over to visit it was fun.
4th august2011 in Broome
This morning I woke up and it was just me and dad we had nothing to do this day until nan and pop took us out for lunch. So we just sat down and watched TV. We went out to a nice Irish bar fter that we went to the shops to pick up some things then we came back to the boat we just watched some movies and cleaned the boat.
Jason And Fiona
SV Kinetic Energy
11-09-2011, 00:38
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Melbourne Australia
Boat: saga kan walker 31ft
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Re: Cairns to Perth Part 1
Good on you Matt I camped my way around Australia with my parents when I was your age, it something you will never forget and will always be a fantastic memory.
May there always be water under your boat,
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