Skipmac - your are correct that my resume isn't extensive. Great points about the area and themes I have read echoed elsewhere. I will possibly look for an affordable mate while sailing through the
Bahamas with the Admiral's approval.
Growing up at the beach in southern
California, I lifeguarded in Huntington Beach and surf/windsurf/sail/powerboat; but have ZERO experience
offshore. All of my sailing too has been
day sailing on vessels only up to 36' monos. My cat experience is limited to Hobie 16's and a 1970's Sailcraft 32'
pocket cruiser I was a partner on. I currently am a sailing instructor on
dinghy and J22's.
The Pacific has taught me a lot about large swells, cold rocky coasts and erratic winds; but we have nothing like the East Coast/Bahamas with their expansive shallows,
reefs, and relentless
trade winds.
To be sure, during the survey/sea trial of the L450 in Saint Martin this summer, I was almost sick to my stomach with nerves when they asked if I wanted to
helm and put in a few tacks. Somehow in all the craziness of a
destination survey with half a million on the line it had completely escaped me that I might be offered to ACTUALLY sail this thing...ha!
So, with both brokers, the
surveyor and owner staring at me (all professional racers!) I took the
helm and was quickly told by the owner in a suave French accent that "Derek, catamarans prefer to stay a bit more off the
wind." In my distraction I had begun to point her almost humility discovered a new capacity for fullness!