So I got to stand up for chincotauge inlet were here now all the way up to the town
dock at Robert Reid's park with no problem just watch your
navionics and the bouys this was all durring covid 19 probably the worst time prob recently dredged but everyone here including the harbor master the coast gaurd and police have been nothing but helpful I'd like to say there is a good anchorage to the left of the bay pending southern
wind cuz town dock is very shallow so they let us tie up to the floating dock cuz covid 19 but we wont set out soon cuz
weather and we got lucky they were so helpful but I think they would be that way to everyone some good people willing to help with local advise on good
anchorages in a decent spot you always need to figure for anchorage and wind to be comfortable and it's kinda a long way in but definitely a place to avoid bad weather I cant speak for late in the year because shoveling but early it's pretty good