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Old 16-02-2014, 10:02   #16
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Re: 2015 Daytona 500 Slip Wanted

Originally Posted by onestepcsy37 View Post
hey c'mon vasco, we love our slimy gunk! and yes, it almost certainly is a byproduct of the water treatment plant. but that water treatment plant is what makes our sailing club possible; otherwise, there would probably be a high rise condo where our clubhouse is.

actually, it is pretty slimy, and takes a heavy anchor and time and tide to really give it a good set. but it does have the convenience of the town dock. i know of some people who anchor in that trench across from the marina but getting shore access is a bit iffy, especially for long periods of time.
I don't usually go ashore in Daytona but the few times I've done it I've tied up by the launching ramps at Halifax Harbor. I see the West Marine is gone now. Halifax Harbor has been kind to me in the past, allowing me to have stuff sent there even though I was not in the marina. It has a good fuel dock too. First time I went there was in 1990 when they just opened the south basin. I think they were offering 3 days for the price of two. And they had a bus service to the beach.
Rick I
Toronto in summer, Bahamas in winter.
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Old 16-02-2014, 10:02   #17
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Re: 2015 Daytona 500 Slip Wanted

Onestep, thanks for the info! About the shore access, is there no dinghy dock at the marina? And if so do they charge a fee? Can I go ashore at the Yacht club for a smaller fee or free?

Oh, what I meant by a true anchorage is one that is designated.

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Old 16-02-2014, 10:06   #18
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Re: 2015 Daytona 500 Slip Wanted

Originally Posted by Pwdrskr View Post
Onestep, thanks for the info! About the shore access, is there no dinghy dock at the marina? And if so do they charge a fee? Can I go ashore at the Yacht club for a smaller fee or free?

Oh, what I meant by a true anchorage is one that is designated.

No designated anchorages in Daytona.
Rick I
Toronto in summer, Bahamas in winter.
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Old 16-02-2014, 18:41   #19
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Re: 2015 Daytona 500 Slip Wanted

vasco - the west marine at halifax harbor marina, and the west marine in south daytona, consolidated into one store about a mile west of the marina a few months ago..

markus - anchoring rules in florida changed a few years ago. in general (meaning not in a designated mooring field) you can anchor just about anywhere and the water nazis can't chase you out. they can inspect your boat for a holding tank and give you a ticket for not displaying an anchor light at night. just play nice, keep a clean boat, and you should have no problems. as you cruise down the icw in florida you will see boats anchored out just about anywhere.

there is an anchorage "area" just south of our sailing club in daytona beach. it is not a designated anchorage, and you won't see an anchor on a chart of the area. it just sort of came to be all by itself. being in front of a water treatment plant there are no dirt dwelling property owners to complain about it, and being used by some of our club members we keep it pretty clean. dozens of snowbirds passing through stop there every fall and spring. some other non-designated anchorages are not so clean....

as vasco said, there is a boat launch ramp inside halifax harbor marina and i suppose - although i have no personal knowledge - that you could tie up there for awhile. there is also a yacht club near the marina but they have limited docking, and no dinghy dock. probably the best place to tie up - and lock up - would be the town dock i described before.
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