What is the availability of welding gas in smaller islands around the Caribbean?
I'm thinking oxygen/acetylene might be easier than argon and co2. I am a welder and plan on making a few bucks from time to time and doing my own welding as necessary for my boat. Can I get these gasses everywhere?
Everywhere you go in the Caribbean there are welders. you never saw metal fall to pieces like you will see it falling to pieces in the tropics. It's a constant battle with corrosion ( rust never sleeps, especially when the climate is perfect for it 24/7/365).
Here, you bring in your empties and they just swap them out instead of filling the tanks you had.
Lots of welding going on down there, but I wouldn't count on making much money off of it. Most places have strict laws to protect the local workers jobs, to get a workpermit is not easy if possible at all, and in many places the pay is low to begin with.
Good luck, enjoy the cruise, but I wouldn't count on much income from welding