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Old 05-02-2022, 12:24   #31
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Originally Posted by Piratenorm View Post
I know people want to see as much of the boat as they can from the comfort of their own home before committing to traveling, in some cases great distances, for what may be a Pig-in-a-Poke. Time is important. I don't want anyone to waste theirs.
I wish all brokers were as diligent and caring about prospective buyers' time as you Pirate. Sadly, these internets are ripe with stories of bad-broker experiences. I have a few, including being outright lied to, which cost me hundreds of wasted dollars in travel and time. But then, I also have good-broker stories, including the one who sold me my current boat.

I agree with those who say, seller's market or not, I would never pursue a boat where the seller didn't provide a decent set of quality pictures, and full listing of information. If they can't be bothered to put some effort into their ad, why should I waste my time looking.
Why go fast, when you can go slow.
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Old 05-02-2022, 13:23   #32
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I enjoyed your post and completely agree that more pictures and content will help sell a boat. I actually enjoyed the background music. I also agree with others that in todays market it doesn't take much to sell a boat. I posted my last one a few months ago on Craig's list and had 20 buyers lined up in five hours. I did, however have 12 excellent pictures and a detailed description,
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Old 05-02-2022, 15:58   #33
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Thanks Mike and Jim for your thoughts . I guess for me the bottom line is this ! As the seller, if you can’t put much energy and time in to your sailboat adds, it tells me a lot about how you have probably treated the boat over the years . That and most importantly of all , how you will treat me if there are any bumps in the road during the purchase!

As my father used to wisely say , “ Everyone is generally very nice before they take your money, but it can be a whole other story after they have your money .

So warning to future buyers ! If the seller is putting little effort into the sale of their boat , and exchanges with you, before they have your money ! You can bet your ass, if there any bumps in the road , he won’t be doing anything in your favour , after he has your hard earned money !

I have remained on good terms with everyone who’s ever bought s house from me . In some cases they have called me months after to ask questions and I was happy to help , because I loved all the houses I sold !

The gentleman that we bought our Tanzer off, offered to take us sailing when we get the boat in the water , some how that feels nice for us ,and we will take him up on it ! Because he loved the boat !

As they say , if your treat others the way you would like to be treated you leave the world a better place as a result !

Try to live that as best I can ! Even if it means I talk to much !
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Old 05-02-2022, 19:25   #34
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Originally Posted by more View Post
music is terible i stop watching video because music is annoying
if you want music for selling boat

'53 was a good year!
Thankful for the wonders of this world - and the waters that cover much of it.
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Old 05-02-2022, 23:32   #35
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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
Nicely put. We are selling our junk-rigged circumnavigating Gazelle Gaia and would love some constructive criticism of our efforts so far which are mainly seen on the website One of the features is a drone video showing her sailing in light winds in the Rio Dulce. Heaven compared to life in cold Canada right now.Tell us even if it hurts😊

Jim sv Gaia
Nice work with the website.
The drone video is great too, to show a heavy steel boat and a junk rig can work in light conditions.
To be honest I would take out the uncontrolled gybe at about 1:10 though!
The way it shakes the complete rig and lays the boat over crunches a bit with the vibe you have created! A bit too much reality for the dreamers I would think.
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Old 06-02-2022, 06:47   #36
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Gaia .... Very Nicely Done ! Proof that a sexy , hip older couple can keep up with the times ! Agree that you could cut out the unintended jib , but as a newbie to be honest it did not scare me that much , lol . Loved the photos and website, and all you did !

Your website about your boat was a testament to what can be done if you are willing to put the work into it . Maybe you need to consider starting a business doing this for others? Something tells me that if you guys can put this much effort and time into the sale of your boat , that you did not spare any effort or expense in her upkeep ?

Who ever ends up with your boat will be lucky . The only thing I would add , is try to think of the buyers perspective during the sales process and how scared you where purchasing your first expensive boat ! It may help you be more understanding, and make the stressful situation better for your both ?


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Old 07-02-2022, 02:15   #37
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I agree with Lady Captin - lots of - especially European - adverts contain just a few (sometimes one!) very poor quality pictures and scarce, careless descriptions of the boats, frequently containing contradicting statements. Moreover, many brokers either completely ignore their clients (especially Italian ones - we indentified many boats there, the prices were OK, but we were completely taken aback by their attitude and never visited any of them) or try to sell on you anything they have in their portfolio, completely disregarding the specs we gave them several times. We gave the assignment to find a boat to brokers in Spain, Croatia, and Greece, we also directly contacted the owners.

Last year, after hundreds (in not thousands) of adverts viewed, several brokers and owners contacted by email and/or phone, one flight to Turkey in April and the second to The Ionian Islands in Greece early in July, the same month we hopped on our small convertible and drove from Poland to Gibraltar via Germany, France, and Spanish east coast, then by ferry to Tenerife where we stayed until the end of charter season (no boats were available to inspect, they were all in charters) and back along N Mediterranean coast as far as Lavrio, Greece. We had many visits agreed on the way and the cash ready, so we were not just lookers. The trip wasn't just boat hunting of course, but also sightseeing and lots of fun, naturally, this way of boat search is not suitable for everyone.

Finally, in mid October, when in Greece (Lavrio), where we sea tested and almost bought a boat that wasn't really in good shape (winter was coming and we were slowly getting desperate), we found our dream boat in the internet (Yachtall) and returned over a thousand kilometres to Croatia.

NB I can strongly recommend Greece as the place to buy a boat - the sellers are open and helpful, prices are very good, 0% VAT boats frequent, not necessarily post charter ones.

All in all, after over 17 500 km driven by car and two more months of boat buying and selling formalities, we have bought the perfect boat for us (Bénéteau Océanis Clipper 473) that is going to be our home and office in the Med for most of the year and probably in The Canaries in winter. We have a company that we can run remotely provided we have decent internet access (tried that twice for four months each time over the last two years and it worked very well). We are going to offer cabin charters and set sail as soon as we have all the registration paperwork and safety equipment in place, we also need to make some minor improvements, such as the installation of the remote control of the anchor winch to make it easier for us to dock if we are just two aboard.

In the meantime, the offers for this class of boats went up by ~50% and they are really scarce.

Good luck boat hunting and sailing!
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Old 07-02-2022, 03:04   #38
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The boat in the Video is Adelie. I bought her in Tortola in the BVI's in 1986 when I had my midlife crisis and took off for the first time. My 14 year old daughter and I spent a year on her. She sailed back to Toronto two or three times before we took off in 1996 and sailed through the Panama Canal on new Years Day 2000. We then crossed the Pacific, spent a lot of time in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand before setting off across the Indian Ocean and ended up in Oman. I did a delivery down to Aden in Yemen. We had the engine rebuilt in Oman. Because of the financial downturn in we decided our cruising budget could not stand a return to Europe and Canada so we went back to Thailand and Malaysia. When we got back to Malaysia my wife wanted to sell the boat so I put it on the market at a price that I thought would deter purchasers. Unfortunately she sold in 5 days. The worst day of my life. I am now 80 years old and and now on my 3rd boat since selling Adelie. I sail an O'Day 27 on Lake Erie. Seeing her again almost brought tears to my eyes and brought back so many happy memories. I would love to know where she is now and hope her current owners are enjoying her as much as we did. The video was made for the next purchaser as she was registered in Toronto when I owned her.
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Old 07-02-2022, 07:24   #39
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Originally Posted by Lady Captin View Post
Yes you have a point ! We will indeed get a broker when the time is right for us ! We are not in the market to move on a boat , so we don’t waste brokers time now! Still enjoy looking and we ...Will .... get a boat ! We have not phoned, or contacted a single owner , out of respect for their time and desire to actually sell their boats .
POINT MADE all the same !
When we found our current boat, I had a broker who I had been working with who had shown me a few boats and the boat I ultimately bought, its owner had a broker...the two split the commission. Regarding the slide show you attached; echo some of the earlier comments, except music was fine by me, appreciated the boat design/build narrative, almost impossible to have too many pictures but resolution must be crisp, pics of the boats "innards" important. I just wish I had a boat to sell in this market...thnks
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Old 07-02-2022, 07:51   #40
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Originally Posted by JPA Cate View Post
One runs into this all the time. It certainly happened to us when we were looking for the boat before this one. It was also a lot of show us something $40k over our planned budget that might work for us! It was when we learned the value of looking at boats when it is raining. You can get to see leaks.

We knew a guy who decided to become a yacht broker for a while. His approach (unique among the salesmen he worked with) was to listen to the customer and show them what they asked for.) He rapidly became the brokerage's best seller of boats, but the practice didn't spread.

You may find someone who listens carefully. Good luck.


Bad salespeople sell you what you want , good salespeople sell you what they have to sell , great salespeople make you believe the first and buy the second
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Old 07-02-2022, 10:27   #41
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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
Nicely put. We are selling our junk-rigged circumnavigating Gazelle Gaia and would love some constructive criticism of our efforts so far which are mainly seen on the website One of the features is a drone video showing her sailing in light winds in the Rio Dulce. Heaven compared to life in cold Canada right now.Tell us even if it hurts😊

Jim sv Gaia

I tried selling a Tom Colvin designed Gazelle for clients in Georgian Bay for 2 years without luck. Also junk rigged. I went out for a sail with the sellers before listing her and was amazed at how she could kick up her heels even in light wind. Plus how easy she was to raise and lower sails, tack. About the only downside was she was a pig in reverse and all the nearby boaters came to assist when she left and when she returned. lest a gust push her off course for her single slip. Owners eventually sold her themselves. The boat is still at the marina where my office is, haven't seen her leave the dock once. Too bad, I was rather impressed by her. Good luck with yours.
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Old 07-02-2022, 16:11   #42
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Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
Video tours have become quite popular with some brokers like Boatshed on sites like Inautica and some on Apollo Duck..
The thing is most focus on the pretty, pretty and less/none on the engine, bilges, storage spaces.. photo's I take with a grain of salt unless date stamped as taken.

I'll double down on that.

We placed a deposit on our boat before it hit market because we got pictures of the ACTUAL boat and from the day before we saw the pictures. As an added bonus the high-resolution images from the GoPro had the details intact and the details indicated the GPS coordinates and date taken of the images which all matched up.
We didn't even get pictures of the outside of the boat or the starboard hull because they were JUST in the process of getting it listed. Having the quality images were enough for us to put down a deposit in escrow. Certainly, we would not have PURCHASED with just that - but it was the thing that got us on a plane immediately.
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Old 07-02-2022, 19:57   #43
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I'd like to mention a few other reasons for being an unresponsive seller than those suggested above:

1) doesn't really want to sell it, may be still in love with it

2) has already overdosed on people who really don't know what they want

3) what the prospective buyer wants is different from the boat the seller has for sale

4) seller suspects buyer of not having enough money, after all--some prospective buyers have no idea of insurance and berthing costs, let alone the costs for repairing benign neglect/deferred maintenance; people who obviously haven't done their homework can be a real turn off.

5) prospective buyer is rude on phone or by e-mail

Who scorns the calm has forgotten the storm.
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