I have had no experience with online schools, but having taken
classes at a non-online
school, I don't think there would be much difference. What the schools are good at is knowing what material to impart, sorting it in a manner that is palpable to the learner and providing
learning guides for reinforcement. The schools cram so much material down your gullet in such a short period of time that you absorb less than 50% and several days later retain less than 60% of that.
After you go home, the real education begins. Application of the study guides and constant repetition of the principles of
navigation, rules, etc. is the ingestion of knowledge that allows you to pass the test. This can be done without the assistance of a
school, but if you are like most of us, we have neither the time nor the patience to develop the tools necessary to pass the CG test. This is where the schools come into play. Online or in person makes little difference.
It is the student that makes the difference.