Steve's generally correct - many a 'paradise' has been discovered - but quite incorrect when you begin looking at specific opportunities. Just today I picked up an
email from friends who have arrived in Luperon in the
Dominican Republic. Land
purchasing there by ex-Pats is very common, land is
cheap, the country's politicians are as crooked as a dog's hind leg but the govt's operational behavior has been very stable for some years (in a whacky
Caribbean sorta way). The DR currency (Peso) is 50 to the U.S. dollar, a nice departure from the plummeting USD values we see here in
Europe. The friend thinks he'd love to buy some land there and its cheap. (BTW Luperon is where Columbus stumbled in with his one remaining ship, only to find the Pinta, as I
recall, which had been spirited away by its
captain and crew from Chris' "fleet", being careened for a good scrub. Wonder what happened to that ol' boy?)
There are other examples, including
parts of the
West Coast of
Mexico, Costa Rico,
Jamaica and so forth.
However, the real question is...would you really want to live there? After all, you've only got sooo many years - what do you want to do with them?