Hi Folks,
I'm new here, and thought I'd introduce myself. For starters, I have no
bluewater sailing experience, but I'd sure like to get some. If there is anybody here that is looking for somebody to train somebody that they could hire on the
cheap, please send me a private message so we could discuss the possibilities. I have carpentry experience along with the various tools of the
trade, and I'd be more than happy to be hired on to do
boat repairs, perhaps in lieu of payment you could give me some lessons and
bluewater experience. I have studied
celestial navigation as well, so perhaps if you'd like a custom course on it as well as a tutorial on the various celestial nav
software availible for free, maybe we could
work something out. I've built my own
sextant and would be happy to build another one for you if you are willing to trust an amateurs craftmanship. Also, if you are interested in sharing
boat ownership and would like to have a sailboat moored off the Pacific coast, either in the U.S. or Mex., or in the
Gulf of Mexico,
Florida, or perhaps even the
South Pacific islands somewhere - again, send me a private message. I am a U.S. citizen, by the way.
Anyway, my partner and I have been dreaming about possibly starting a
charter business somewhere in the
South Pacific for some time now. Right now, the plans are just dreams. But I was wondering if someone could answer some questions I have about some of the micronations out there. First, are there any micronations in the South Pacific that are friendly to foreigners, and in particular, USians, who wish to become expatriots of sorts and start businesses on their islands. Another question I have regards leasing land on one of the micronations. Does anyone have any experience with this, and or scuttlebut? For a chartering business, if I wanted to be the
captain, would I have to have
ASA certs?
Last, but not least, it seems my partner has suffered from seasickness in the past, is this a dealbreaker as far as chartering, or are there people out there that have overcome the problem?
Thnx to all in advance,