Originally Posted by pbnelson
. . . Digging into google maps I found it was a 5+ mile trip to the ocean from that dock, ergo a 1+ hour trip to the ocean what with no-wake zones.. .
I know this is already not relevant to the OP, but being docked up a river some ways from the ocean has some big advantages -- first of all shelter in case of storms, secondly the water may be brackish so giving you a much better situation with bottom growth.
For some years I had a pontoon
mooring up the Hamble River near
Southampton on the South Coast of
England. It was a few miles up the river and took a good while to get out into the Solent, and even longer to get out of the Solent into the
English Channel. It was great. I always enjoyed the ride down the river, which was time to admire the scenery, look at
boats, get the boat ready for going out to sea.
So this is not necessarily a net disadvantage, and in some cases might be a positively good thing.