Some of the information you have been given about licensing and
registration is not quite accurate. I am a Transport
Canada Appointed Tonnage
Surveyor and deal in this all the time.
Whether licensed or registered it is a Federal matter and has nothing to do with the provincial Goverment. Your province of residence is simply indicated in the first two characters of the
license number i.e. ON for
Ontario. This is an aid to SAR and police only.
If you are going to travel the
Caribbean or further you will want to register your
boat not
license it. Most
Caribbean countries will not recognise a license.
Bahamas is an exception as they are used to dealing with US licensed
You will have to pay tax on the
boat as soon as it it is Canadian waters and not untill then. If you buy a boat that was built in
France you will also have to pay 9.6% duty but again not until you bring it into Canadian Waters. There is no duty payable on
boats built in NAFTA countries.
If you buy a boat of less than 15 metres
LOA you can do the tonnage measurement required for
registration yourself (Search Tabular Method on Transport
Canada website) If you buy a multi-hull or a vessel of more than 15 metres
LOA, you will have to hire me
I have an article on my website
Licensed or Registered, it may help.