29-07-2015, 12:41
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Manitowoc, WI
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Re: Sturgeon Bay Bridge Procedure
Ok, I found the information referenced in the US Coast Pilot 6. Amazing how difficult it was to google for this.
§117.1101 Sturgeon Bay.
(a) The Bayview (State Route 42/57) Bridge, mile 3.0 at Sturgeon Bay, shall open on signal, except from December 1 through March 14, the draw shall open on signal if notice is given at least 12 hours in advance of intended passage.
(b) The draw of the Maple-Oregon Bridge, mile 4.17 at Sturgeon Bay, shall open on signal, except as follows:
(1) From March 15 through December 31, need open on signal for recreational vessels only on the quarter hour and three-quarter hour, 24 hours a day, if needed. However, if more than 10 vessels have accumulated at the bridge, or vessels are seeking shelter from severe weather, the bridge shall open on signal. This drawbridge, along with the Michigan Street drawbridge, shall open simultaneously for larger commercial vessels, as needed.
(2) From January 1 through March 14, the draw shall open on signal if notice is given at least 12 hours in advance of intended passage.
(c) The draw of the Michigan Street Bridge, mile 4.3 at Sturgeon Bay, shall open on signal, except as follows:
(1) From March 15 through December 31, need open on signal for recreational vessels only on the hour and half-hour, 24 hours a day, if needed. However if more than 10 vessels have accumulated at the bridge, or vessels are seeking shelter from severe weather, the bridge shall open on signal. This drawbridge, along with the Maple-Oregon Street drawbridge, shall open simultaneously for larger commercial vessels, as needed.
(2) From January 1 through March 14, the draw shall open on signal if notice is given at least 12 hours in advance of intended passage.
[USCG-2011-1109, 77 FR 44142, July 27, 2012]
33 CFR 117.1101
eCFR — Code of Federal Regulations