Just below the Bear Mtn. Bridge there is an excellent anchorage to port. Good holding in mud and well-off the main
shipping channel. I've used this a bunch of times.
Above Catskill Creek (Hopanose), there is a another good anchorage to starboard about 3 miles north at the entrance to Kinderhook Creek (?). There is a small marina there. Also muddy bottom with good holding. I've used this spot as well.
I can't
recall any special anchorages between there and Albany, but suspect that if you see a likely spot, drop the hook. Just stay well out of the channel and be prepared to get rock & rolled if a big ship passes buy.
Be prepared to do an
anchor watch at tide change. Fortunately the bottom found along most of the Hudson will allow your
anchor to quickly re-set if it pulls free.
Have a safe trip!