My husband and I just moved to south
Florida for a job transfer. Our beloved
trimaran is still on the
Chesapeake Bay but will join us shortly putting our life back in balance again. My question here is both for personal and professional reasons. I'm interested in
learning more about holiday gatherings along the
ICW, particularly Thanksgiving in Vero Beach or any other gatherings of that nature in south
1. We have no friends and
family in south Florida so getting integrated into the cruising community is our top priority once Tri Dreaming hits the
blue water. We would love to celebrate the holidays with the cruising
2. I write for All at Sea - Southeast magazine and would love to feature some cruising
events around the holidays in the magazine.
Clint and I look forward to meeting more of you on the
water. We have begun our 5 year plan (maybe more like 7) to get off the hard permanently. Moving to Florida was one more step in that direction.
If you have any information to share I would love to talk to you.
Terry Boram
s/v Tri Dreaming
Contour 34