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Old 08-01-2025, 13:08   #1
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Seller's Remorse

I know it's unwise to consult the internet for emotional support but it's possible that there are those who participate in this forum who might have insights.

After almost 29 years of boat ownership and tens of thousands of miles cruising, I decided to sell our boat. We just weren't using her anymore as she's not well suited for day sailing and we don't see ourselves doing any more blue water passages. Last summer, we did spend an enjoyable month cruising Catalina Island and I know of other boat owners that who use their boats only for that occasion - it's just that I'm struggling with all the other maintenance and costs for one trip per year. It would be one thing if I could afford to hire others to do the maintenance but not only are the costs too high but no one will complete the tasks as I would.

I was doing okay with the concept of selling the boat, we showed it several times and it was no big deal. However, when I received a text from a prospective buyer agreeing to purchase the boat for our asking price, I got emotional. There's so much of my blood, sweat, tears, time and money in that boat and I feel like my identity is directly linked to her. As we were circumnavigating, we became close to other cruisers, most of whom sold their boats upon the completion of their circumnavigation - I'm not aware of any of them who experienced the level of apprehension that I'm experiencing.

If you sold a boat that you had owned for many years, did you experience seller's remorse? Do you still have regrets?

Fair winds and calm seas.
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Old 08-01-2025, 13:16   #2
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Re: Seller's Remorse

Yes, I’ve regretted more than one sale. But you must be careful to not translate that into over valuing the boat. Nor should you take umbrage at buyers’ critiques. A transaction is business, not personal.
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Old 08-01-2025, 14:07   #3
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Re: Seller's Remorse

Originally Posted by nhschneider View Post

If you sold a boat that you had owned for many years, did you experience seller's remorse? Do you still have regrets?

Fair winds and calm seas.[/FONT]
I didn't and haven't.

But I have had remorse over not cruising anymore. But if I was at a life point of knowing I wasn't had a boat still and wasn't using it I doubt I would have remorse at all.

Marinas are full of boats no one is using, so I don't feel remorse is a big thing.
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
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Old 08-01-2025, 14:44   #4
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Re: Seller's Remorse

Interesting, and timely thread for me nhschneider. I have been going through a similar emotional upheaval now that we've agreed to sell our beloved boat.

Our sale happened out of the blue. I wasn't looking to sell, and had no plans to do so. But a confluence of events have made the sale of our floating home a near-certainty.

The sale makes perfect sense at this time. The amount is good, logistically it makes sense for us, and I know the new owner will love her as much as we have over the past 15+ years. But it still led to tears, and a general feeling -- not exactly of regret, but a kind of sad longing.

So yeah... I get it.
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Old 08-01-2025, 14:44   #5
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Re: Seller's Remorse

Maybe consider a trailerable sailboat, so you can leave in driveway and pull it out for that once/year trip. The McGregor 26X is very popular.
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Old 08-01-2025, 14:58   #6
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Re: Seller's Remorse

I was sad - but not necessarily remorseful - when I sold my boat (and equipment) as I stopped being a commercial waterman. I would have loved to have kept at it, but I couldn't make a living.

I was sad - but not necessarily remorseful - when I burned up my wooden Rhodes 40. It had lived out its usefulness and was beyond my means to repair it. I would rather see it go out that way than to watch it die on the beach.

At some point I will sell my current boat (hopefully). Again - I'll be sad - but I will not be remorseful about selling the boat as long as it goes to someone who will take good care of it and keep taking it to places that I will no longer be able to. Hopefully, both of us will have fond rememberances of things past.

So yes - I can see your being sad. Many (if not most) of us have been there. But as long as you've done things in the best way that you could there should be no reason to feel remorse.
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Old 08-01-2025, 15:04   #7
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Re: Seller's Remorse

Originally Posted by nhschneider View Post
I know it's unwise to consult the internet for emotional support but it's possible that there are those who participate in this forum who might have insights.

After almost 29 years of boat ownership and tens of thousands of miles cruising, I decided to sell our boat. We just weren't using her anymore as she's not well suited for day sailing and we don't see ourselves doing any more blue water passages. Last summer, we did spend an enjoyable month cruising Catalina Island and I know of other boat owners that who use their boats only for that occasion - it's just that I'm struggling with all the other maintenance and costs for one trip per year. It would be one thing if I could afford to hire others to do the maintenance but not only are the costs too high but no one will complete the tasks as I would.

I was doing okay with the concept of selling the boat, we showed it several times and it was no big deal. However, when I received a text from a prospective buyer agreeing to purchase the boat for our asking price, I got emotional. There's so much of my blood, sweat, tears, time and money in that boat and I feel like my identity is directly linked to her. As we were circumnavigating, we became close to other cruisers, most of whom sold their boats upon the completion of their circumnavigation - I'm not aware of any of them who experienced the level of apprehension that I'm experiencing.

If you sold a boat that you had owned for many years, did you experience seller's remorse? Do you still have regrets?

Fair winds and calm seas.
Yes, felt it. Regrets? not yet. But we're getting old enough to be considering selling our boat, and fighting it because we've loved our lifestyle.

Some of our friends have made the shift from sailing to power boating, and got a number more years of water based life, and 5 - 10 yrs. is not to be sneezed at.

It's a big change after so many years water based, in that special community.

We're all wired up differently, too. There's a sort of lightly melancholy reminiscence deal that happens, too.


Sorry it's become time for you guys, too, Mike. It comes to all of us, but it doesn't make it any easier.

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Old 08-01-2025, 15:20   #8
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Re: Seller's Remorse

let your boat go. it's what you wanted. keep moving.
some of the best times of my life were spent on a boat. it just took a long time to realize it.
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Old 08-01-2025, 15:22   #9
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Re: Seller's Remorse

Like many other sailors, I built my own first boat, which was my home for many a year.
It was a labor of love, blood, sweat and tears, and I knew evert square inch of her.

But the time came when it was time to sell, no easy task for me.
Several people came to see the boat, but I could tell right away my boat was not for them.
However, as fate would have it, a young couple hove into sight, and fell in love with the boat. Yes, this was the emotion I wanted to see.
Without much further ado, the boat became theirs, and they moved it away a week later.
For my part, I was happy to see it go to a good home.

I went on to own two more boats after that.

But...some 35 years after the fact, I came across my old boat again, now with it's third owner, and it was good to see the 'ole gal again.

I relate this tale to give you a likely perspective of what could likely happen at the sale of your boat.
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Old 08-01-2025, 15:28   #10
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Re: Seller's Remorse

Originally Posted by nhschneider View Post

If you sold a boat that you had owned for many years, did you experience seller's remorse? Do you still have regrets?

Every single time, every boat. Each one gave me memories that I cherish.
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Old 08-01-2025, 18:05   #11
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Re: Seller's Remorse

I would rather burn my boat that sell her.

You see people are emotional each at our own rate. Some will attach to some objects, say a boat, others will not. Somebody else's rule is a poor yardstick for your own happiness.

If you MUST sell the boat (e.g. you need money for food or medicine, for you or for one you love) then sell it.

If you do not have to sell the boat, then why sell it?

You can keep your boat at a dock and just spend time onboard. You have done plenty of sailing, you do not have to sail a boat to keep a boat. Or you can haul her up and place her in your orchard. Climb onboard from time to time, sit in the cockpit, sip tea and remember your past. Flowering oranges all the way to the horizon.

Do not take other's advice. Rather do what you did when you got her - listen to YOUR heart.

A boat is just an object. We are gone and it all becomes irrelevant. But it is your object, and you can do with it what ever you want. Also, keep it. If you want.

Take care. Your post returned me some faith in humanity. Faith I have been slowly loosing over last couple of years.

PS If you are on the fence - make an advert see if a co-owner pops up. They can pay some costs and use the boat a bit. There are all kinds of people around. Some are nice and love boats and you may be able to keep the boat and find a new sailing friend too. It does not have to be a 50/50 deal - just one that works for you!

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Old 08-01-2025, 18:26   #12
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Re: Seller's Remorse

I haven't even sold my Columbia 9.6 yet and I'm already nervous about it. Even with the new boat and a pile of goodies to install on it. The Columbia is a damn fine boat for a 31'. Faster than you'd think and an absolute trooper in lousy weather.

I've sold tons of stuff in the past I've regretted in one way or another, but loss is a part of life. At least in your situation, you should be able to rent.
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Old 08-01-2025, 18:40   #13
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Re: Seller's Remorse

Wow, talk about dejavu!
Last August while wind and storm bound in a Harbour I was cruising the internet and found a cruising boat that checked all the boxes for my wife and I.
2 days later we sailed home, jumped in the car and drove 7 hours to go see the boat and another 2 days and we owned her!
The problem? The boat we had sailed constantly for 22 years after spending a year lovingly restoring her in 2002.
We loved this boat and we knew we would have to sell her, just we where totally uncomfortable with the idea. We raced and cruised this boat for all those years, took family and friends for sails, taught people to sail on her, introduced many people to sailing and generally had an excellent time with her!!
Luckily we found a buyer within niece, her husband and 3 daughters who will now take custody of Bears Mistress and the better news is they sold their Catalina 27 within a week!
So, in short, we are going to miss the hell out of Bears Mistress we are thrilled it is going to stay in the family and we can concentrate on the refit we are working through on Bears Mistress II
Is it traumatic selling a boat you have a major attachment to? Hell yes! Is it the end of the road? Nope...
You will miss the boat but you will have the memories you made on her and we are about to embark on building another set of memories on a new to us boat!
Mike and All
S/V Bears Mistress II ����
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Old 11-01-2025, 05:07   #14
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Re: Seller's Remorse

I think this is the one thing which distinguishes "true" boaters from the "been there, done that" type.

They will say things about the "happiest two days" of boat ownership. I say, if you're happy to get rid of it, you were never really that into it to begin with.

After I bought my present boat, my previous boat sat for a long time on a dealer's lot, in a very down market. I still came by to wash the road dust off of it and generally keep it in a sellable condition. I missed it then, and I still miss it now. With boats, I think you're allowed to be polyamorous.

However, there is a dark side to this. Keeping a boat beyond the time when you can maintain and enjoy it is just cruel and unusual punishment. For the boat, but also for your own emotional well-being. Anyone shopping for used boats will come across a lot of what I call "broken dreams." The owner slowly became unable to use and maintain the boat, and it sat for years, keeping that hope alive that someday the owner would get back to it. Far better to sell it while you can still get something for it, rather than having to pay to have it disposed of.
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Old 11-01-2025, 06:07   #15
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Re: Seller's Remorse

Regret and remorse are useless emotions.
I wish I’d known that, a long time ago.
Gord May
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