Originally Posted by BandB
A very important statement. One needs to update their knowledge by looking at sites such as the US site that detail the current activities in countries and break the countries down into smaller areas.
Also in some cases these do vary by your nationality. While this is often thought to impact US travelers more, there are countries in which the French are considered more the enemy than the US.
Actually the UK site has a good up to date statement on Turkey.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to the towns of Akḉakale and Ceylanpinar and against all but essential travel to areas within 10km of Turkey’s border with Syria.
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to the provinces of Hakkari, Sirnak, Siirt and Tunceli. You should be especially vigilant when travelling in other provinces in south eastern Turkey and in areas close to the Syrian border. See Terrorism and Local Travel - Syrian border.
Over 2,500,000 British nationals visit Turkey every year. Most visits are trouble-free.
I look at Mexico as a good example for us in the US. There are areas that the state department advises against all travel and other areas they have no alerts or warnings for. It is covered state by state on the state department's web site.
Relying entirely upon statements issued by the U.S. State Department and other government agencies - regardless of country - is not recommended. A recent news article reporting troubling new developments in
Baja Sur (South Baja) has not yet appeared in U.S. official warnings. Here's one take on the situation there:
"In the past month, the normally peaceful state of
Baja California Sur,
Mexico has seen a rash of murders, which authorities have blamed on a conflict between the Sinaloa Cartel and a new alliance between the Zetas and the Beltran Leyva Organization.
According to Zeta magazine, Baja
California Sur has registered 10 murders in the past month alone, all of which are believed to be linked to organized crime.
The Beltran Leyva Organization (BLO) is using local criminal cells and a
partnership with the Zetas in order to intensify its long-running conflict with the Sinaloa Cartel, authorities told the magazine.
In one recent outbreak of violence, the head of the drug trafficking "plaza" in coastal town Los Barriles was killed by a group of assassins who poured as many as 60 bullets into his body.
The man's top lieutenant was killed that same night by the same group of assassins, alongside his girlfriend, a bartop dancer, who was struck by a stray AK-47 bullet as she cowered under the
bed. According to Zeta, two state police are believed to have participated in these murders, although it is not yet clear whether they were acting on behalf of the Sinaloa Cartel or another organized crime group.
In another incident, two foot soldiers for the BLO were kidnapped and tortured by a gang who said they worked for the Sinaloans, according to testimony the two
men provided to the state Attorney General's Office.
SEE ALSO: BLO News and Profile
The two survivors said they were kept in a house and beaten while the assailants took photos with their cell phones. They also said they overhead their attackers talk about their alliance with local police.
InSight Crime Analysis
Baja California Sur saw just 56 homicides total in 2013. The state has typically been one of the more peaceful areas in Mexico, and Zeta's reporting indicates the unusual recent violence is already attracting the attention of federal authorities, who have initiated investigations in the state.
The BLO reportedly previously met with the Zetas in a "narco-summit" held earlier this year, in which some of Mexico's largest criminal organizations allegedly discussed reconfiguring the country's drug trafficking landscape. Given that all the cartels reportedly present had a common enemy, the powerful Sinaloa Cartel, it is likely the discussion involved forming an anti-Sinaloa alliance. The violence in Baja California Sur could be one sign that such a pact is already being carried out."
Looking at another site oriented toward promoting tourism in Mexico we find no link to news regarding these recent developments, only a statement there is no change to the most recent State Department notice.
Mexico Travel Warning in Perspective
In many possible destinations one should consider the plus and potential negative sides of going there, based upon a comprehensive review from a variety of sources. Government advisories may not be released until after someone ignoring
current events is harmed.