Nassau to highbourne won't be good fishing, it's shallow on the banks so mostly jacks and batacuds.
Highbourne down the outside to the park boundaries can be good, mostly for mahi if you can be moving around or over 7 knots. Stay in the 400'
depth range. But you only have about 10 miles or so. Please do not fish inside the park boundaries.
Since you asked about handlines, I use a 9" cuban yoyo with 100 feet of 200# test mono. 200# swivel and stainless leader to a 6" squid lure or cedar
I run the line to a shock cord on a midship cleat and tie the line to a stern cleat. Once a fish bites, let it play itself out against the shock cord. When it is just being dragged on the surface by the boat, start reeling it in. Drag it right up the swim steps and onto the
deck. At that point my wife throws an old blanket over the fish(we keep it just for this reason) and I kneel on the blanket straddling the fish. Basically pinning it down with the blanket. Expose the
head and gills, spray some vodka or
rum straight into the gills and the fish calms down. A plastic squeeze bottle or spray bottle works well. Cleaning and filleting it is like most any fish. Removing the blood line eliminates most if not all bones and gives it a better taste.
This season I have pulled in 5 mahi this way. We just had mahi in a Thai curry last night.
Edit, actually 5.5 mahi this season. A shark took an interest in one of them. We still got several dinners out of what was left