So being an ardent SCI FI reader (I've read 2-3
books a week for the last 40 years, among other things) I was searching for new Ebooks on B&N and Amazon. How odd, not hardly any, like almost none of the good authors..
Pondering the lack of good sci fi ebooks, I went to which is a major publisher of SCI FI. OHHHHHH.... Look there are all the new ebooks, with prices much better then Amazon or B&N.
But wait there's more. BAEN has a "FREE" ebook section with many of 3-6 year old sci fi available for download for Free. Looks like all major ebook formats are covered too.
I am in Nerdvana. Nothing better then Free SCI- FI to a poor sailor chic.
Plus looks like BAEN has all their sci fi
books available for
purchase online and downloadable for not a lot of
Well Alrighty, I've got my ereader loaded for another 2-3 weeks of reading without breaking the bank. Love free books. Even better then a free boat!!
Of course there is
project Gutenburg too for the classics.