Sorry to tell you this but there is no inexpensive dry
storage on Florida's
east coast. Many
marinas are online and have posted prices now. Storage will run you from three to four hundred dollars a month when you factor in all the extra charges ( don't forget jackstands or cradles). Also it'll cost about $1000 for haulout and powerwash and move into the storage yard. In the spring you'll have charges for the
work yard.
The cheapest storage will be wet storage behind someone's house. This will range from $150 up. You'll need a diver every couple of months if you go this
route. Some slips are available in Palm Coast which is about 100 miles north of the area you're interested in.
There are
mooring fields which run around $300 a month but these are not for storage, in most of the fields you cannot leave your
boat unattended for long periods.
Titusville marina is well run and the folks there are very pleasant. This would be my choice if I were to sit in a marina for the