01-10-2010, 07:20
Long Range Cruiser
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Hi Gunner,
I can not imagine how you feel. All I know is sometimes I don’t count my blessings. I think you have reminded me. I know I am intensely lucky with my position in life.
I hope things begin to work a bit better for you and happiness can be seen again.
01-10-2010, 07:45
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My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family through these very difficult times.
01-10-2010, 10:35
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So sad to read your post and like many others here don't know you, only know your dream. Life constantly changes and our challenge is to keep our dreams ahead of it. I wish you strength to sail beyond this dark time.
We can't change the wind - but we can adjust our sails.
01-10-2010, 10:52
Senior Cruiser

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Thank you all again for your kind thoughts. Gord the boat must be sold as with everything else we had . I understand that there are no other options.
The darkness in my life came close to ending my life. The pain is that great. I know depression and have seen several Doctors and therapists and they have said that I am one of the strongest people they have ever met and they were not sure that they could handle the pain themselves. A message I received from a kind member here hit how I have felt closer than anyone. He talked about what is important and and how it is hard to see what is important to others with the same understanding that we once had. (I hope you will post your message to me for the others.) What a great group you all have been. I am very thankful for you all. So it does look like I will be a farmer now. Because I no longer have the mental capacity that I had and I am unable to work as I did farming seems to fit my life. You do not need to think as far ahead on a project like I did as a builder. The Bible says Faith, Hope, Love. The greatest of these is Love. I have found that Love does not die and it really is all that we truly have as human-beings.
01-10-2010, 11:05
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G'Day Gunner,
Words are never enough. If you can think of anything practical we can do then be sure to ask.
Stay strong and take care.
02-10-2010, 01:07
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I am so sorry you have had to go through this mess. But you are not the only one.
Depression can be prevented with the newer drugs, go see your doctor, tell the truth, do not try and be the big strong man, which you are, but the fact is that we can all be affected by these events.
I went throuh a similiar period and i was able to get over it, for the better.
My wife left me after thirty years and I was devastated plus I lost my business at the same time.
My wife never liked sailing.
With the newer drugs to solve my depression, I went on an Internet dating site. I presented myself as i am, (then 58) an said i wanted a wowen to share my passion of cruising, Not only did I find the most wonderful women. She bought the boat.
Think positive, but you must get over your depression which you can. Go see a doctor. life can be better.
02-10-2010, 07:35
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We are thousands here at CF and I am certain many would welcome your company aboard their vessels. I know I would. So you can now look at sailing a bit differently. OPB - other people's boats. And here we are all around the globe and at your disposal.
I think this can lead to a series of incredible experiences and even a book! Don't disappear into the land. The sea is here and we will take you there. All you need to do is give us a shout. I am serious. We are expecting your call.
sv Shiva
02-10-2010, 09:10
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 70
I just stumbled upon this thread and simply lack the words.......
I only wonder why the worst sh*t seems to always hit the best people?!
Soon I will be facing a few "natural" losses and I have no frigging clue how I will be dealing with them, so I fail to imagine how it must be if something would happen one did everything else but expect.
On the other hand I am impressed by the reactions of my fellow sailors in this forum - it would seem that the "human race" has not become extinct after all?!
I wish I could just invite you gunner to come sailing with me, just bought a 40' (not a 61' - I know) and will be goofing about in the Caribbean this coming winter.
I also wish ........ you all the best and the strength to deal with what life seems to always have up its sleeve to shock you with (and don't say: "I't cant get worse!" - because somehow it always manages to!)
My heart goes out to you, Gunner, from the other end of the world, and maybe all the thoughts and prayers in this forum can and will make a difference for you after all.........
02-10-2010, 09:12
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Originally Posted by defjef
We are thousands here at CF and I am certain many would welcome your company aboard their vessels. I know I would...
... I am serious. We are expecting your call.
sv Shiva
I can personally attest that Gunner has paid that very generous offer forward.
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"
13-10-2010, 17:28
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So very sorry for your loss.
Stay strong
19-10-2010, 12:05
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10-15-2010 I became single after 33 years. The boat and house must be sold and the cruising dream is gone for now. I do hope oneday to get out there again and try to get that dream back. Thank you all for your support.
19-10-2010, 12:54
Armchair Bucketeer
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 10,012
Originally Posted by irwinsailor
10-15-2010 I became single after 33 years. The boat and house must be sold and the cruising dream is gone for now. I do hope oneday to get out there again and try to get that dream back. Thank you all for your support.
Didn't manage to write anything worthwhile the first couple of times this thread resurfaced.
Still can't think of anything  . but yer get this post anyway
Hang around on CF and yer never know where it will lead. or at least it will fill a few hours.
19-10-2010, 23:05
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Originally Posted by irwinsailor
10-15-2010 I became single after 33 years. The boat and house must be sold and the cruising dream is gone for now. I do hope oneday to get out there again and try to get that dream back. Thank you all for your support.
Do what the rest of us do when we aren't cruising (and that is a fair number of us) - read the CF.
DOJ echos my thoughts and feelings for you.
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangereous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. T.E. Lawrence
20-10-2010, 22:50
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Gunner, we have not met as I am new to CF. Dave and I also have the dream to one day push off. I know at this time it seems inconceivable that your dream may too one day happen. I write because my brother lost his 8 year old son, in a snow sliding accident nearly 3 years ago, a few days after Christmas. His wife had left him a few months before the loss of his son. He was truly floundering. He has gradually put that one foot in front of the other, as you have. It has taken much time and he will never be the same person, but he has laughed and had good times. They come in fits and spurts, no doubt interspersed by feelings of awkwardness about feeling good about anything. Slowly he is coming back to life and I truly hope for the same for you. I know it seems impossible, but I believe you can get to a new, albeit different dream of pushing away from the dock and most importantly I think your daughter and sons would want that for you. Bless you. You can sail on our boat, anytime. Hugs. Rose
21-10-2010, 19:17
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It's been my experience that when one door closes another door opens. Never give up your dreams.
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