I'm curious about how a cruiser that is a US citizen manages a french, Taiwanese or South African vessel. Who "Documents" it? Is state registration all you need to set off across the seas?
This is a topic that I haven't ever heard discussed...
High Zach,
Did your 1961 boat have any US documentation or “Identity” (hull number) documentation when you bought her?
You can register the boat anywhere you like provided that your boat has that notarised Identity to meet the local state or national requirements.
US state registration is internationally recognised and a quick check with your local state registrar will tell you if they additionally provide an “international certificate of registry” which follows a more general format.
At that age and size, I don’t expect there would be any tax or customs issues, but best to check before committing yourself.
Mine has only a build number, and the title/bill of sale.
When I registered with NC, they wrote me a new hull number... probably should have dove straight in to documentation.
My Triton was made in the US, but a friend is looking at a 51 foot Formosa that was built in Taiwan... got to wondering about the hassle.