Originally Posted by rslifkin
If someone is sitting around blocking the channel like that and it's questionable whether I can pass safely (especially if they're fishing) they get 5 short on the horn as I approach. If they don't react and aren't preparing to move after a reasonable amount of time, I'll repeat as many times as needed until they get the heck out of the channel.
They do move, but they don't move early or fast enough, as far as we am concerned. They are just all about
fishing and others be damned. It is not just one or two
boats either, if there are no waves, or sorta calm, there is a swarm of what I consider lake
boats at the mouth of the inlet. You pick your best course and hold it. They will move but it is nutty.
There are two gambling ships that use this inlet which is very constricted for them. It is bad enough for a wee little
sail boat. The
fisher folk play the same
game with the gambling ships.

It really is nuts.