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Old 04-12-2024, 10:00   #1
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Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

I spend several hours preparing the documents for getting our LLC owned boat into Mexico for our first time in Baja for the winter. We arrived in Ensenada yesterday and the immigration and Port Authority check-in went fine. I said to my wife, getting the TIP is the real paperwork challenge. We got to the Bancerjito window for the TIP and the boat paperwork is fine. But the agent has an issue with the dink. I have a sales receipt showing model and serial number of both the dinghy and outboard. But the agent wants a notarized bill of sale proving ownership.

What do people do for these impossible to get documents? Why is a dink even an issue for god sake? Im seeing some information saying a TIP isn't required for an inflatable under 14 feet? Anyway, what are people using for documentation for their dinghy? Because I know no one is getting notarized Bill of Sale documents when they buy a dinghy. What if you got it used or it came with the boat? I probably just got a bone headded agent.

The Cruise Port Marina provides assistance for getting all of the paperwork done, which is really nice. The plan is to go there again today and give it another go.

Anyone else had this issue?
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Old 04-12-2024, 10:33   #2
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

We are currently outside of La Paz enjoying the Sea of Cortez and if it’s any help it’s worth the trouble. We were able to do our TIP on line several months ago. In our case I used the dingy state registration as proof of ownership. The paperwork that came with our dingy (when new) had a notarized proof of ownership which went to the state for registration.
The reason (in my understanding) that you want the dingy attached to the boat TIP is that you could be charged import duty on the dingy if your vessel is inspected. Inspections happen but are unlikely. When we passed through Cabo there were customs inspectors at the Pemex fuel dock. They fined a boat slightly before us for having some fruit or vegetables from the US (apples I believe). We fueled up without problem or inspection. I suspect Cruise Port will work out the issue. Good luck.
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Old 04-12-2024, 11:03   #3
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

Get a different agent. In Ensenada, there is a factor of 10 difference in what different agents charge for the same services.
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Old 04-12-2024, 12:30   #4
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

Originally Posted by Tsuru View Post
We are currently outside of La Paz enjoying the Sea of Cortez and if it’s any help it’s worth the trouble. We were able to do our TIP on line several months ago. In our case I used the dingy state registration as proof of ownership. The paperwork that came with our dingy (when new) had a notarized proof of ownership which went to the state for registration.
The reason (in my understanding) that you want the dingy attached to the boat TIP is that you could be charged import duty on the dingy if your vessel is inspected. Inspections happen but are unlikely. When we passed through Cabo there were customs inspectors at the Pemex fuel dock. They fined a boat slightly before us for having some fruit or vegetables from the US (apples I believe). We fueled up without problem or inspection. I suspect Cruise Port will work out the issue. Good luck.
Good to know. Yes, since our boat is Coast Guard registered we didn't need any kind of dinghy registration. At least in Cali. All I got was a receipt. But they did ask if I needed the paperwork for a state registration. But since I didnt need it I didnt ask for it. But at least it sounds like a notarized bill of sale is not unheard of if I end up asking if they will make me one after the fact.
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Old 04-12-2024, 14:15   #5
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

Just a wayward thought, does your insurance policy have the dinghy VIN and outboard serial number listed - maybe that document could surfice as proof of ownership?
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Old 04-12-2024, 14:27   #6
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

No. I have a receipt from the sale that includes the VIN for the dink and the outboard. Not good enough. It doesn't state that it is owned by the LLC. Red tape at its best.

But after reading what Tsuru said above, that they were provided a bill of sale to be used for state registration I figured it was worth a shot to call the vendor I bought the stuff from. As luck would have it, the very sales rep I bought the dinghy and motor from 2 years ago answered. She was very helpful and will make some sort of bill of sale with notarization that will show it sold to the LLC. She'll then email a PDF and I can print it off. Hopefully, an original wont be required or then Ill have to go through the effort to have the original delivered down here.

Ill report back later.
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Old 04-12-2024, 15:39   #7
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

Originally Posted by CrispyCringle View Post
Good to know. Yes, since our boat is Coast Guard registered we didn't need any kind of dinghy registration. At least in Cali...
It doesn't matter any more if you are not there, but USCG documentation does not relieve you of the obligation in CA to register any boat greater than 8 feet in length or a boat of any size with any motor. And most of our dinghies are under 5 tons and don't qualify for documentation themselves.

33CFR173.13 provides a very narrow "tender to" exception for boats less than 10hp that "Is used as a tender for direct transportation between that vessel and the shore and for no other purpose." That means even using your dinghy to visit another boat is outside the exception, or to go fishing, or snorkeling, or....
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Old 04-12-2024, 17:23   #8
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

I spent 2-days and a lot of brain cells at the Tijuana border crossings (both of them) trying to get a dinghy south. Once you get caught in the loop, tough to extract....I've entered/existed Ensenada a handful of times (always from Cruiseport). They seem more concerned about the OB than the dink. My big mistake was the dink wasn't registered - it was brand new. They wanted taxes. I ended hiring an agent and paying an import tax. Mind you, I had all my paperwork in order - the old dink had been destroyed (attestation from the marina and boatyard).

The advice to go away and return another day and try again is pretty good. Something got under the agent's bonnet about your transaction. Although being under 14-feet is true, trying to reason with a customs agent (in any country) won't end well.

If you need a decent local advocate, talk to Michele Aquilar at +52 1 646 121 8494 (WhatApp). Guessing she can run the gauntlet for you ---- for a fee (fairly reasonable, though she has been conditioned to gringo rates). She used to work at Cruiseport and did the entrada paperwork until she stepped out on her own 5+ years ago. I haven't spoken to her in a few years but have referred several folks to her. She's become fairly well known as a fixer of customs issues.

Good luck -
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Old 05-12-2024, 11:15   #9
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

Okay, case closed. I called the vendor where I bought the dinghy and motor approx 2 years ago- Boat Specialists in Ventura, CA. By luck the very sales rep I bought it from answered. I explained that if possible I needed from them a notarized bill of sale stating it was sold to my boat LLC. They were extremely helpful and understanding, though they had never heard of this requirement.

They ended up sending via email a notarized Manufactures Statement of Origin as well as a new sales invoice showing the buyer as my LLC as well as my name. So we went back to the Banjercito. The same person was at the window and at first rejected the new documents saying the Statement of Origin was not good for this issue, that I needed something saying the dinghy and motor was sold to the LLC. I pointed out that the invoice now showed the buyer as the LLC and my name as well. That worked, as she thought it was the same invoice she had seen the day before and apologized for not seeing that.

Im sure a lot of this has to do with the individual you have to deal with at the window, but for us the things that were sticking points for all of this check-in were, for a LLC owned boat:

-TIP: Documents showing some way of transfer of ownership for the dinghy and motor to an LLC, preferably notarized. If buying a boat with dinghy included, be sure to include the dinghy and outboard w serial numbers on the sales documents.

-I had a notarized Letter of Authorization in which the LLC gave me permission to sail the boat anywhere, do any repairs, and anything else I could think of. But the agent at Cruise Port Marina said I was missing a statement saying I had permission to do all the paperwork for check-in (see attachment). So tedious. But they were able to makeup a new letter for me, which was nice.

-Make sure you know what part of your LLC paperwork shows that you are the owner(s) of the LLC, and thus the boat, and have a copy to give. That will be needed for the TIP.

The Banjercito agent did say we could get the TIP without the dink and outboard. But if we were ever inspected an agent could tax us for the undocumented equipment.

For those not familiar with having a boat owned by an LLC, it is for tax reasons. I dont know what its like in other states, but in California there is no sales tax on the purchase of the boat if its bought and sold by LLC's. Thats the reason for all this extra legal headache.

Hopefully this info will help someone on there way down to enjoy Mexican waters.

Additional info: Cruise Port gave me the names of two agents that I would have called if Boat Specialists were not able to help to help push the paperwork through:

- BC Connection: 646-151-4314, Alondra or Michelle
- Niza Marine, Manu(?), 646-119-15-91
Attached Files
File Type: pdf AUTHORIZATION LETTER EXAMPLE (Banjercito).pdf (28.8 KB, 20 views)
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Old 05-12-2024, 11:20   #10
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

There are several issues. One is that there is a huge import tax on inflatable boats in Mexico. They are trying to encourage someone to manufacture them but no one is interested.

Second issue is theft. We did have both our dinks stolen last year during the hurricane in La Paz. Have to watch who you hire I suspect.

Probably if you can provide a serial number off your inflatable you would good.

Good luck.
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Old 06-12-2024, 07:56   #11
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Re: Mexican TIP Issues with Dinghy of all things

seasons greetings! it's great you got everything solved. to me after boating here in mexico for5+ years i find it hard to give advice on TIPs. it seems to me there are about 100 different stories on getting cleared in and they are all true...all the best; r
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